~Chapter 6 Goodnight, Love Yous

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Wildcat POV

I layed him down on the spare bed, we had in the medical bay. He looked completely knocked out and was still as a statue, only his chest moved up and down, indicating he was still breathing. Which was good, this meant he was okay...for now. But for some reason, it made something in my chest very heavy.

I stared at him for awhile, a piece of he's brown hair dangled in front of his face. I was going to move it to the side but once I touch it, I was surprised by how soft it was. I moved my fingers through it slowly, like I was in a trance when touching it.

Once I heard footsteps coming towards me, I quickly pulled my hand away from his hair. I turn around to see Brock walk up next to me and went to examine David. I pace back and forth waiting impatiently for Brock to give me the news.

He turned to me with a smile, "he's alright, he just going to need to rest for awhile" he assured me and I let out a sigh of relief. Thank god he's okay, I smiled to myself but stopped immediately afterwards. I'm not supposed to smile, I'm supposed to be the co-leader that will not hesitate to yell at someone when they did something wrong.

It was my job to be the tough one of the group, that's why Vanoss picked me as co-leader, right, I was now questioning myself. Brock waved a hand in front of my face snapping out of my thoughts. "Are you ok Wildcat, you zoned out for a long time there" he asked and I nodded my head. "I'm okay....just thinking" I mumbled underneath my breathe but loud enough so he could hear it.

He let out a small chuckle before he looked back at David then at me. He looked back and front between us for a few seconds. "Do you...like him" he asked me, I was completely caught off guard by the question.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "well, I'm going to have to get use to him, now that I share a room with him" I stated a bit empty like. He shook his head, "no..I mean...do you love him" he asked me and my heart started pounding harder in my chest. "What, why would you ask such a stupid question, first of all, I just met this guy...like yesterday, second of all, I am not gay, third of all, we are strictly not suppose to have any kind of love interest in anybody" I yelled at him.

He laughed at me and that just made me more angry. "STOP LAUGHING" I shouted in his face, I was surprised he didn't flinch once. "Sorry Tyler, it's just you always get angry over the smallest things" he said calming himself down from his laughing fit. He looked around the room as if to check if anyone was listening. He then leaned close to my ear, using his hand to whisper in my ear. "Also, rumor has it, that Vanoss and Delirious are in a secret relationship" he whispered and I was both surprised and shocked at the same time and yet slightly angry again.

I softly pushed him off me, "why would he go against his own rule" I asked, a bit baffled by the new information. I mean, I knew there was something going on between them but I never thought he would go against his own rule. "I don't know but I just glad they found each other, I just hope they come out and tell us soon" he replied and I nodded.

I looked back to David, my eyes soften on him. "I'm taking him back to my room to rest" I stated, gently picking him up bridestyle. "Yeah, suuurre to 'rest', just promise me you won't fuck him to hard" he joked, making air quotes and my cheeks started heating up. "W-whatever, it's not like I'm going to anyways" I stated, rolling my eyes as I headed out the door.

I heard him say something but I didn't quite hear him so I just ignored it and went to my room. I layed him down on the bed, he curled himself into a ball which I thought was cute. He seemed to be shivering a little so I pulled the blanket up and he soon started to stop shivering.

I sat down on the bed just staying quiet and thinking to myself. I was instantly snapped out of my thoughts when I felt an arms wrapped around mine. I looked down to see David holding my arm. "Lay down with me" he whispers and I smiled underneath my mask. I took my pig mask off and set it on the back board of the bed.

I layed down beside him, staring into his green eyes. He scooched to me, putting his head on my chest. I didn't know if I felt comfortable with this but soon just let it be. I layed my chin on his head and wrapped a protective arm around him.

For some reason, I felt calm around him. It was so peaceful having him all snuggled up next to me. "Goodnight Wildcat" I heard him mumble and I smiled. "Goodnight David" I whispered back to him. "Love ye" he mumbled and then I heard him starting to snore.

I felt my cheeks get warm, did he actually meant that. That must of been a mistake or maybe he was just trying to say it as a friendly gesture. Why am I thinking so much about this, I snapped myself out of my thoughts.

I looked down at the sleepy David, "love you too" I whispered as quiet as I could. Uhh, why did I say that, he is probably asleep by now anyway. I guess it doesn't matter, I soon closed my eyes, awaiting for the next day to come.

Wildcat said love you back, what is this suppose to mean. Does this mean Wildcat loves David or was it just a slip of the tongue. Also, why did David say love you in the first place, does this mean he has some feelings for Wildcat. Or is this just one of those things that they just was caught up in the moment. Let see what happens in the morning and will Wildcat or David bring it up or stay silent. Oh and I hope ye enjoyed this chapter. Bye, Bye.😍👋


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