Chapter 13

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The girl gazed out of the window as her memories flooded her mind. Why did she let Tokoimi take her to the basement that day? Why did she ever try to be involved in the Holy Grail war? Sure she would have still had her curse, but she would have no connection to him.

"Lovely view, huh, Dualer?" A male voice spoke behind her. She turned towards the blue haired male and glared.

"Why are you talking to me, Master of the deceased Rider servant?" Her voice was laced with venom as she spoke to the bluenette harshly.

"Because, you are my servant's servant, so you're in a way my servant." Her glare turned darker. She had to restrain herself from harming the boy.

"What's going on here, Mongrel?" A second voice spoke as it approached the pair.

"He decided to-" He held his hand up, indicating for the girl to stop what she was saying.

"I was asking the mongrel, my dear." He smiled his signature, cocky smile.

"Oh- um, I was just talking to her about how-" Shinji was cut off.

"Did I at any point say you had permission to talk to her? How funny how you think, what's mine is automatically ours." Gilgamesh condescended.

"And bold of you to assume I was yours to begin with. I rejected you when i was alive and will keep doing so! I am not yours, I never was yours and I never will be! So get over yourself and return me to my true master!" Dualer lectured. She turned to walk away but halted as she heard the distressed cry of Coco.

"I bet your little sister would beg to differ. How foolish you were when alive, to think you could hide your mana source from me. Did you really think I wouldn't find out about her?" He held the child up by her arm. Her face contorted in pain as the blond's grip tightened around her wrist.

"Put her down! Archer!" She demanded.

"I believe you need to learn your place. I am the master. I give the orders. Do not forget, i have two ways to control you. I made you and I can break you just as easily. Now, do not make me use a command seal on you, Anatu." He held his right hand into view, showing off his the command seals.

Dualer gritted her teeth, swallowed her pride and knelt down on her knee before him. Her head stayed down to dismiss the urge to glare at the man, or worse.

"My apologies, master. I was not in the correct place. Please forgive me and please unhand my sister." She spoke through gritted teeth. This caused him to smirk.

"Of course, my dear. All is forgiven. Here's the child." He threw Coco towards Dualer, which she caught with ease. He turned on his heel and started to walk away. He stopped as he got approximately 5 steps away.

"Our ceremony will be beginning soon. Lancer, Saber and the faker must die in order for our ceremony to begin. We shall be bound by the Holy Grail, as we make our wish. Our wish to be together. Also, I ask you don't refer to me as 'master' or 'Archer'." He continued to walk away.

"who's gonna be the vessel? You killed Illiyasviel Von Einzbern." Dualer asked, as she held Coco close to her.

"I have someone in mind." Gilgamesh walked into one of the rooms, leaving Dualer, Coco and Shinji in an awkward silence. Before the servant could return, Shinji ran into another room. Dualer got a quick glimpse of a girl with purple hair and Purple eyes, but her view was cut short as the door closed.

"Come on. We're going to our room." Dualer spoke as she carried Coco to the room they were provided. Coco cried into her shoulder as she walked.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She spoke sincerely.

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