Chapter 20

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Daiki Hikaru was a normal kid, who just so happened to be a mage. He wasn't from any high class mage family like the Tohsakas or the Einzburns, he was just a regular mage. He has not alot of knowledge of mage rituals, like the one he had just experienced.

It had been a few days since the war had ended. Daiki was still recovering from the loss of Dualer. Saber was gone. The war was finally over, so why did he feel so empty.

"Hello Daiki. Is it that time already? Two bouquets like always?" The attendant of the local florist asked.

"Actually, it's not for my parents this time. So could I take the one bouquet? Of the blue heart Lillie's please." Daiki requested. They nodded and prepared the flowers for him. They handed him the flowers and he handed the money. The attendant offered him his change but be just shook his head.

"You keep the change. Count it as a tip." He smiled. They returned the smile and thanked him.

Daiki reached the graveyard and saw the blonde woman, sat there on a picnic blanket with the doll, once again.

"Hello. Mind I if I join you?" Daiki asked. She looked at him and smiled.

"Go right ahead. Are those for a family member?" She asked pointing at the flowers.

"Um no, they're actually for Dual-Err Allison." He said.

"I see. See that Allie, this boy brought you flowers. We told you people would like you. There was never any need to be ashamed of your magic." She said, allowing the boy to place down the flowers.

"Thank you for everything Dualer. You made me a better person. I owe you the world. Thank you. You truly are a hero." He began to cry as his words were uttered.

"We always forget people. But we never forget those who gave us a reason to remember. I hope you're happy where you are now Allie. You might finally be with mum. And Caster. Maybe you can finally make things right with dad. Wherever you are." She spoke.
After a short while, Daiki calmed down and continued to sit with the woman.

"So does the boy who brought my sister flowers have a name?" She asked taking a bite out of a sandwich.

"Daiki. Daiki Hikaru. And you are?" He responded also taking a bite of a sandwich.

"My name is Asa. Asa Powell." She introduced herself.

"This is Coco. She's lifeless now, but whey Allie alive, Coco was too." She introduced the doll.

"Asa! You started the picnic without us! No fair! We. Had to get Auden all the way here!" A woman with medium length, brown hair and glasses spoke.

With her were two other figures, a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes and a boy with long brown hair and brown eyes, in a wheelchair.

"Who's this? A friend of Allie's I don't think we've met." A girl with long brown hair. She was the splitting image of Dualer.

"I don't know how he knows her, but he came by to drop off some flowers for her. I offered for him to join us. Daiki, these are my siblings. The one with the glasses I'd Brook, the boy in the wheelchair is Auden and the other girl is Eros. Guys, this is Daiki Hikaru." Asa explained as Daiki waved.

"Nice to meet you Daiki." Eros greeted. Daiki smiled.

"You look just like her. Like Dualer." He said to her.

"Dualer?" She gasped.

"Allie was here!? Where is she now?"

"She died. She didn't win the war. I'm sorry." He hung his head.

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