Chapter 15

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"Stupid Kirei. Stupid Caster servant. I should have been Caster's master, not... whoever it is now." The girl grumbled as she kicked a stone. She had started watching the fourth Holy Grail War a few days ago and she had already watched Archer brutally kill Assassin. She was slightly grateful he didn't spot her.

As she continued to walk, she bumped into a large figure. The impact caused her to fall to the ground.

"Ow! Watch where you're-" She cut herself off as she looked at the figure. She noticed the male's roman attire. She knew immediately that he was a servant.

"You're a servant! What class are you?" She prepared her notebook. A boy with shoulder length black hair, wearing a green jumper ran in front of the servant, guarding him from the girl.

"Careful Rider! She could be a master!" He spoke, glaring at her.

"I'm not a master! I was supposed to but my summons wasn't answered. So now, I'm just watching the war. So this is the Rider servant? You scored big time!" She spoke, inspecting the man. She mentally noted the man's red hair and red eyes. His muscles were large and his face was accented with a beard as red as his hair.

"He's clearly from the Roman era, What's your servant's true name?" She asked.

"Like I'd tell-" The boy was cut off.

"I am Iskandar, King of Conquerors! And you would happen to be?" The servant asked.

"I'm QWxsaXNvbg== . And you?" She looked at the boy in the green jumper. He looked her up and down, analysing her posture. He was trying to discern whether or not she was a threat. When he came to his conclusion, he spoke. He sighed.

"Waver. Waver Velvet." He looked at the girl. He gloved hand was out for a handshake, which he reluctantly took.

"Why are you watching the war? Its dangerous you know." Waver asked.

"Well, you see, I was involved in the third holy grail war. My mother was the master of the Caster servant. When she died, she transferred his command seals to me to which he died protecting me. I wanted to be a master in this war in hopes of summoning him again. But my summons wasn't answered, Caster was already summoned. So I'm observing this war so i can be ready for the next war." She spoke with determination.

"So you're gonna risk your life just to ensure you win a holy grail war you might not be alive for?" Waver deadpanned.

"When phrased right, yes." The girl spoke. Rider laughed. His laugh wasn't dismissive, it was actually the opposite.

"So just because you experienced a minor set back, you're still ready to see your dream flourish! Now that is the true spirit of a warrior! I like you!" He declared. The brunette felt a sense of pride upon hearing the servants words.

'He likes me.' She couldn't help the smile creeping onto her face.

"You're not that much older than me, are you Waver?" The girl questioned.

"Maybe... how old are you? Wait- sorry, that was rude of me to ask!" The ravenette began to panic.

"It's fine. I'm sixteen." The brown eyed girl giggled at the boy's panic.

"I-I'm nineteen." The boy stuttered, embarrassed.

"What's wrong? You seem embarrassed?" The girl tilted her head. This only fuelled his embarrassment.

"I-It's n-nothing. We should get going. Come on Rider." Waver began to walk off.

"Not that confident with girls? She seemed nice as well." The servant spoke.

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