Chapter 14

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Daiki and Shirou approached the Tohsaka mansion, searching for their female friend. It had been a few days since Assassin, Caster and Kuzuki died, and the boys haven't seen Rin since. Saber has become Rin's servant, but she still lives with Shirou. Daiki, however, no longer has a servant but he refuses to give up on Dualer.

"Should we check inside?" Shirou asked.

"Usually, I'd say no. But just this once, sure." The boys entered the mansion and found the place a mess. Furniture was knocked over, tables were broken and mirrors were smashed.

"Woah. Rin really needs to clean up." Shirou spoke obliviously.

"Dude, you're making me out to be the smart one. There was obviously a struggle here. Whatever happened, Rin lost." Daiki spoke.

"But who would take her?" Shirou asked.

"She's Saber's master, so that narrows it down to Archer, Lancer, Gilgamesh and... Dualer." Daiki spoke, reluctance to suggest Dualer evident.

"Lancer worked with us, so that's unlikely. Dualer would be unlikely but she's under that guy's control."

"That guy is Gilgamesh. Dualer had some history with him. I don't think she likes him very much." Daiki revealed.

"So its some kind of 'love-hate relationship'?" Shirou asked.

"Essentially. But we must focus on the task at hand. Archer or Gilgamesh has Rin. Where would they take her?" Daiki asked.

"Somewhere abandoned but away from town?" Shirou suggested. Both boys' eyes lit up as they pointed to each other, speaking simultaneously.

"The Einzbern mansion!" With that, the boys ran towards the location mentioned.

* * *

Beneath the mansion, Rin sat tied to a chair. In front of her sat the tanned male with white hair, Archer.

"What's the deal? You're working with them now?" Rin spoke. Before Archer could speak, an annoying voice resounded behind him.

"I'll deal with her Archer." Both of them looked at the blue haired boy and the blond man in the doorway. Archer stepped away from the prisoner and began to leave. As he walked past the man, he heard the blond mutter something.

"Faker." He ignored his words and continued to walk.

"Bit rude dontcha think? He did nothing. Or are you aware of his noble phantasm?" A female voice asked. Rin's eyes widened as she heard her voice.

"Never mind that. Come along, we must leave the brat with the girl." Gilgamesh ordered.

"I think I'd rather chaperone. Knowing him, she might not leave here in a good state." The blond kissed his teeth and turned around.

"Fine. But just know, I'm only allowing this because I'm saving the command seals." The red eyed man sighed and walked away. Dualer just leaned against the wall with her eyes closed as Shinji spoke with Rin.

Dualer's face contorted in disgust as she listened to what the blue haired male had to say. She kissed her teeth at his actions. she couldn't see him, but she knew what he was doing and she found it disgusting. She cleared her throat, catching their attention.

"Please refrain from doing what you were going to do to miss Tohsaka. I don't think her father would forgive me if I let anything happen to his little girl." Dualer spoke as she pushed herself off the wall.

"If you have so much of a problem, Dualer, then go back to Gilgamesh and leave me and Tohsaka be." Shinji shot back . Within a split second, a dagger found its way to Shinji's throat as the tip of a spear poked his chest. The blue haired male's face paled at his situation before he ran off screaming.

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