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"Ahhh! Why do I always keep feeling to puke!?" I let out a sigh. I didn't know what's going on with my health those days. I felt tired easily, like I was an old grandma.

Author's POV
This year from the early days of april, she had been suffering severe vomits. She always kept feeling vomit. Her family convinced that it would be because of acidity. She was not much concerned about it too and just thought because of acidity. But even after several days of medication, it didn't stop. For that she got a little be suspicious but still didn't care because she didn't had the time to.

Marline's POV
I was immersed in my thoughts, sitting in the bathroom. But no soon I was attacked by vomits again. But that time just vomit was not the only thing, my stomach started to ache out of the blue. As thinking of acidity, I neglected those. I threw up and cleaned my face by splashing water. But the stomachache didn't stop. I thought of eating something delicious if it would help.

I found an apple on the fridge.

Later, in my room, I was completing some assignments while eating that apple. But then a thought came across my mind and with that I opened my lap-top. I went to the internet and searched.........'Which desease has the symptoms of often vomiting and stomachache?"

The result which it showed, left me my jaw drop. "It must be joking... Is that the only reason for often puking and stomachache!? Bullshit!" I presumed. "It's probably because of acidity. Ah! I have to stop eating too much oily foods."

I got back to continue my assignments.

But still at one point, it was eating me up. My heart was saying something to do which my mind didn't think was important. But they say, hear your heart.

So, without wasting a minute, I rushed to mom's room. I knew it was not what the internet was showing but still....

I sneaked into her room tip-toed. I reached to her drawer, opened it just to find that thing. I took it and in no second ran to bathroom. I checked it.

"No....this is not true. Don't scare me, okay!?"

The pregnancy strip was showing two verticle lines. I couldn't understand what's wrong with the machine. Why is it showing that while I am NOT! I was totally flustered and wanted to process why that showed it. Then the realisation hitted me, my brain remembered what happened when I was 11.

"Is it..........really because of that!?"

I couldn't think much, I became dizzy and almost blacked out.

[time skip]

Author's POV
"Wh-what....will happen to!? HOW AM I GOING TO FACE TO THE SOCIETY!!??" she was crying for 2 hours for the thoughts that were creeping her out. As she had hidden the fact that she was raped from her family, she would be in trouble if they saw her pregnant now.

Marline's POV
With my teary eyes, vision blurred, I still managed to dial a number......

"I have to tell it to her. She's the one who can help me in this situation."

010 18 78 99.... phone rings*


[Cliff hanger!]

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