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Marline's POV
It was 4:00 pm but still Scarlett didn't parcel it. I was afraid if her parents got to know about the belt. I didn't wait long and dialed her.

"Hello Scarlett?"

"Oh Marline. Sorry I forgot to tell you that the belt will be parcelled to you at 7:00 PM."

"What? Why!?" I asked in a manner which seemed little bit rude. I hope she didn't take it seriously. I really didn't mean to be rude.

"Don't be angry. Actually the chocolates aren't delievered yet so."

"Oh..okay." I sighed.

"Yeah...okay I am busy now, completing my project. I call ya later."

"Okayy." I hanged up the call.


I heard my mom's footstep coming towards my room. I didn't put the clothes at that time. So, I rushed to bed and hid under the blanket, and acted that I slept. I was aware that my belly would look bigger even when it was hidden under a blanket. So, I laid by side, facing the wall.

The next moment I heard my mom's voice and squeezed my eyes even more.

"Marline, are you alseep? If you are not then listen, Your dad and I are going to a reception by 6:00 Pm and it will be late to return. So, make your dinner yourself and eat."

After she said, there was a silence in the room. I turned my head little bit to check if she was gone. And yep, she left.

But I remembered something.......what did she say???

Mom and dad will go out of this house by 6 and will return late......that means.... yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! If the parcel will be delievered at 7, no one will even know about it. This is a great chance.
But ugh! I am lazy to make the dinner myself.

After realising that, I almost jumped off the bed. But remembering that I was carrying a baby, gave me little heart attack. If the baby was okay with my jump.
For god's sake, nothing seemed to happen wrong, since it was a little jump; hop.


Author's POV
Exactly at 7:00 PM, the delievery arrived.

Marline was about to open the door and take the delievery but....a thought hitted her. It would be questioning if the delievery man saw the young girl pregnant. So, she ran back to her room and put some clothes inside her dress to look fat.

Marline's POV
Finally the delievery came. I opened the door just to find a guy holding the box. He handed me the box with a polite smile. I took the box and slammed the door right after. I was afraid of that polite smile. After that incident happened with me, I couldn't trust any polite smile from anyone.


I opened the box and found too many chocolates. I was lifting the chocolates but guess what? It was not determined to finish, like she bought literally the whole chocolate store and put those in the box. After a few minutes all the chocolates were laid to the table. Then it was the time to see the belt.

It seemed comfortable

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It seemed comfortable.

Without wasting a minute, I wrapped it around by big belly. As I said 'it seemed^ comfortable', yeah! It was comfortable. I didn't even feel that I was wearing something like that belt. Because of it's elastic, it was more in shape.

The next moment the thought that came across my mind was that those who saw me I was fat till today, it would be confusing if they saw me in shape the next day. So, I thought of putting clothes inside my dress all the side of the belt, making it look little bit slimmer than the previous day.

I kept the chocolates in the drawer, except one which I was about to eat. And kept the belt in the closet. As my parents weren't at home at that time, so I didn't even need to put clothes. I put clothes inside my dress not just at school but also at home, ofcourse.

By the way, what should I make for dinner?.......something simple ugh! I let out a sigh. I become too lazy when it comes to make food even if it's for myself. Why am I so lazy? What will I do when the baby will come to the world? I only have to make food for her!? Realising that, I just did nothing but let out another sigh.


Author's POV
It's 8:30 PM. Marline had had her dinner. Then it was already her time to go to bed. After doing her night skincare routine, she laid on the bed to sleep.

Marline's POV
I laid to sleep, but I couldn't. I put my hand on my belly, remembering the past again. For the pregnancy, the past memories came often across my mind. Whenever I touched my belly, I remembered the touches of his filthy hands.

Am I the only one to survive like this? God!? Why have you choosen me to put up with these all? I asked to God from my heart, didn't know if he would hear me or not. Still kept my courage to face the challenges which I knew were coming to attack me in the future. I closed my eyes, tears were still flowing. But I tried my best to sleep and around 11:00 PM I finally slept.

I didn't notice when my parents came back. I was sleeping forgetting my life that exists; I mean peacefully.


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