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"If only I could explain it to them...." She uttered in her sobbing.

Marline's POV
I was crying out my lungs, but then I have someone to hug me at that time. And I dialed her number.

"Sc-scarlett- I-" I couldn't pronounce as I just sniffed.

"Why are you crying? What happened?" She asked, but I was unable to speak because I was crying so hard. But still I tried my best to tell it.

"Scarlett- I have been kicked out of my house.....I-" As soon as I said the sentence, I began to cry more.


"My m-mother- found out my belt. And then my father also saw me with my big belly. And he's the one who ordered me to get out of my house.......I am doomed Scarlett."

"What- the hell!! Where are you right now!?"

"Where can I be? I have nowhere to go.....I am in front of my house, in the playgorund." I sobbed.

"Okay hang in there for a few minutes more, I am coming with any vehicle I get. Hang in there okay?" She said in a hurry.

"Wai- o-okay. I am here waiting.." I said. I was about to stop her but I needed her that time the most.

Even though she was coming but what was gonna happen? Where would I live? I couldn't even live at her house, it would make feel like I was a burden to them. I would suffocate more.

After an hour or two, Scarlett reached the spot where I was there.

I stood up as I saw Scarlett running towards me.

"Marline- Marline-" she summoned me as she was approaching me, breathing heavily.

She hugged me as soon as she reached near to me. She and I, both were crying. I hugged her back tight, I clutched her dress and let my tears stream out of my eyes. She too behind my back, was crying, hugging me tight.

"Don't worry now. I am here for you." she said the relieving words.

"I am so thankful!" I cried out.

"I have arranged a place for you to live. Come with me." She said as I widened my eyes.


"Just come with me." she held me by my arms and we both headed to my place.

After two hours, we reached out spot.

We were standing in front of a huge building.

"Where are we?" I asked as I didn't notice the road in the car because I was dead sleeping.

"Centerville Missouri." She said. It's the neighbour city of where Scarlett lives.

"Why are we here....?"

"Because this is where we are going to live. I have rented an apartment in this building."

When I heard that, my mouth literally went like 'wooooooowwwww' I couldn't even imagine that she would do this much for me. But then something I remember, what she said....'we'?


"Me and You." she replied as I stayed stunned.

"What do you mean? Why will you live here in a rented house, when you have that big fucking house!?"

"Idiot. You are pregnant now, and so you need someone to help you in your house chores. And how can you do all that if you are alone. Also someone should be there to take care of you. I will be that 'someone'." She said. I let out a tear after hearing her those words. She's the sweetest person I've ever met and I'm never going to lose her. NEVER EVER!

"Where are you lost at?" She asked as she saw me immersed in my thoughts.

"Ah? Nothing, I was just thinking that how can I thank you."

"No thank you in friendship. Did you forget this?"

I chuckled at her that words.

"Okay but will your parents allow you to live here with me?" I asked with a serious expression on my face. But she just laughed out saying,

"They already permitted me to live here."

"What? How?" I asked. I wondered what lie she must had told to her parents.

"I told them that......."


Author's POV

"Mom! Dad!"

"What happened, Scarlett?" Mr. Garcia asked, looking at her daughter.

"I want to say something- No. Actually I need permission..." Scarlett said.

"For what, sweetie?" Mrs. Garcia added.

"It is that.....I want to live alone."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to live in an apartment. And that apartment is also near to my school. So, it will be more easy for me. And I have a feeling that I'm going to spoil if I just stay in this comfortable want your....permission...." She explained.

"Oh my dear! Honey, seems like our daughter has grown up." Mr. Garcia said to his wife with a satisfied smile on his face.

But Mrs. Garcia was tensed for her one and only daughter.

"No- can I let my only daughter to live far from me!? I am NOT going to permit her about this." Said the Mrs.

Scarlett got a little bit scare, hearing her mother denying. But she came up with something.....

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