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Author's POV
Everything was going fine until one day........

"Scarlett! Scarlett! My stomach! Ahhhh! Scarlett!" Marline cried.

[Eight months had already passed, now it was going on ninth month. Marline had been living with Scarlett for two months. Scarlett took care of her so much. Scarlett went to school, and after she used to teach the lessons to Marline. Scarlett even did part time job for earning some money which used for buying Marline's medicines.]

"What happened? what happened?" Scarlett asked terrifyingly.

"Call the ambulance. I think it's time for delievery!" Marline said while choking.

"Ah okay okay, hang in for a moment."

Scarlett dialed the amublance number on her phone....

"Hello. Emergency. My friend is pregnant, time of her delievery is now. Her stomach started ache out of the blue." Scarlett said to the call.

"Okay madam. We are arriving." The man of the other side of the call answered.

She hanged up the call.

"Marline, wait for a few moment, the ambulance is comming." Scarlett said while her face described the terror. It was her first time seeing something like this. So, she was terrified. Also looking at her friend passing out, how can someone stay calm?


After a few minutes, the ambulance reached their apartment.

"Come this way please." Scarlett directed the helper to the way where Marline was there.

The helpers lifted her on the strecher and headed towards the ambulance.


The siren of the ambulance echoed around the city.


The nurses and doctor rushed Marline to the Operation Theatre. Scarlett too went with them but the doctors told her to wait outside the theatre.

"Why can't I go? Let me go!" She insisted.

"You may come inside after you pay for the bill."

"How much is it?"


Scarlett left her jaw dropped hearing the bill. She didn't has that much money but her father had. The problem was that how she would ask her father for that much amount without giving any reason.

What should I do now? How must I pay the bill? How will have this much money? I can't even ask for it to dad, he will ask many questions. What should I do!!???

After thinking of the questions only, she came up with a reply...

"This much amount will be hard for me to pay all together, so if you let me pay it little by little......." she asked with a hope.

Seeing her age and condition, the doctor accepted her request and nodded to her.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

The doctor gave a smile to her and walked in the theatre.


Scarlett in the reception, paying the bill. She could just pay $600. She had that money from her pocket money and added some from what her dad had given.

Marline was laid on the bed, she was still screaming because of pain. The doctors injected her some medicines.

"Miss, you need to scream and push the baby out, okay?"

Marline nodded to the doctor.

She screamed with all her might and tried to push the baby.

By then Scarlett entered the theatre and ran to Marline.

"You can do it!" Scarlett cheered her as she held Marline's hand with one of her hand. And another hand was rubbing Marline's hair.

Marline gave a smile looking at her. She screamed more and pushed harder.....

finally the baby came out.

"Yayyyyyyy!!" Scarlett let out a sigh of joy.

Marline was panting after the delievery. Scarlett helped her to calm down rubbing her hand against Marline's in a warm way.


The nurse bathed the baby and brought the baby to Scarlett.

"It's a boy." The nurse said and smiled.

Both Scarlett and Marline smiled looking at the baby.

Scarlett started to play with the baby, tickling him. Marline was feeling joy looking her playing with her baby.

"Can you put him on my lap. Let me take look of my son too..." Marline said.

Scarlett placed the baby on her lap. The baby was crying, so Marline breastfeeded him.

"What should we keep the name of him?" Marline asked to Scarlett.

"Well.....You are his mom, it will be good if you keep his name." Scarlett said.

"Aha nope. I am his mother are also someone special to him." Marline said with a wink which Scarlett understood.

Marline's POV
I decided that I would let my child know that Scarlett is as his dad.

Actually, I fell in love with her more than a friend. Staying with her for almost 2 months, made me fall deep in love with her. The way she took care of me for this two month, I can't even express.

"I..actually..I-" as I was about to confess but she......she smashed her lips on mine. Her sudden movement made me froze. But then I gave myself too ignoring the nurses and the doctor. Probably they were third wheeling lol.

"I love you" she confessed first, not giving me chance.

"I wanted to say it first...." I pouted.

She laughed at me.

"I love you too..." I said it finally.

She gave me another peck. I giggled. But then I got serious as I remembered something,

"Scarlett! The bill!?" I asked.

"Don't worry about that. I can pay it."

"How much is it?"

"You don't need to know, chill. Take care of your health and our child. Okay?"

"Don't change the topic. Tell me."

"OKay okay chill. It's just $4900."


"shhhhh! Calm! I told you not to worry about it. I can pay it. Even little by little, the doctor said that it's okay. So, you don't worry about that."

I became anxious hearing the bill. I felt like burden to her from then. My face described the tense. And she got it.

"Babe." She said this word to me, making me feel butterflies in my stomach. She always used to say this word but this time it was different.

She sat beside me on the chair, and took my hand on her. She looked at me so adorably that I almost melt..

"Listen, you need to take care of your and baby's health from now on okay? And I will find out a way to earn money. You don't need to worry about that. Also I can ask money from my father giving excuses. Okay? So stay calm."

Her those sweet words made me feel relax. I nodded to her with a smile.


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