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Author's POV
The next day, it was Marline's time for school but she was still sleeping. Her mother came for waking her up but saw something strange; too many pillows around Marline. She felt that strange, but didn't care to investigate much.

"Hey bitch! Wake up! You are not a princess that I have to wake you up!" she yelled, making Marline open her eyes.

[Mrs. Smith was rude to her always. She wanted a son but got a girl and so she was upset all the time. She was kind of tired of Marline. She thought of aborting her before she born, but because of her husband she had to keep the child. And the child had grown up as Marline.

Mrs. Smith didn't care about her daughter much but her husband did. Mr. Smith was fond of her daughter, for him Marline was his world. He gave all the things which were best for her. One day didn't pass without Mr. Smith asking her daughter how she was.

But even after being so close with father, Marline didn't get that courage to tell those things to him.]

Marline's POV
I slightly opened my eyes just to find my mom shouting at me. I couldn't get if I was adopted. It made me really upset, my own mom behaving like that with me.

"Ye-ahh..I am awake." I said with my shaky sleepy voice.

After hearing my respond she walked out my room.

I also got up without wasting a time, and especially before mom could come again. I didn't wear the belt while sleeping so I had to rush to bathroom first of all and wear the belt.

And I did.

After a while, I got ready for my school and was about to go for breakfast but.....

my mom was standing in front of my door with a box in her hands. She was giving me glares which was full of suspicion. While I stood there in dumbstruck, because I realised what the box was of..........

"Wh-What's wrong....?" I acted dumb like I didn't know what the box was. It was the box in which the belt was parceled.

"From where did this box came in our home? We never had this peculiar box in our home." She narrowed her eyes and her glares was getting more strong.

But I did find my way out of her glares and questions. The box was bare, no prints or plastics or anything was on it, because Scarlett had already peeled those off. She sent me the belt with the chocolates in this naked box.

I tried to act to remember something and then finally came up with a reply.

"Oh..this box...Scarlett sent me some chocolates in this box....." I gave an awkward smile which didn't help the situation. Then I remembered that I could show her the chocolates that Scarlett gave.

"Let me show you!" I said and immediately rushed to the drawer, opened it.

"Here..." She peered to the drawer and found the chocolates. She looked at me in disbelief, I didn't know what was that for.

And she walked out throwing the box in my room.

I sighed at her action.


I could be dead for real if she had found out about that! I got the luck to save myself.


The day went well though. No one in my school suspected me. They didn't even take their glance at me, it was like a blessing.


Everyday was going normal and good until one day my secret was revealed........

My mom found out about my abdomen bolster belt!!!!!...............

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