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Months passed by, Marline's belly was getting bigger and bigger and it was making it obvious that she is pregnant. That was the problem then.

Marline's Pov
Damn it! What should I do now!? My belly is looking big And it's identical that its a pregnant belly not fat. I was bewildered at that point. It was also time to go school and of course people will question about it. I couldn't come up with much but got an idea. Yes. It must work.

I put some clothes inside my dress by the both sides and up side of my belly. Not too much clothes too because people would think how did I get so fat just in one night. So, 2 or 3 pieces of clothes were enough.

I stood in front of the narrow mirror in my room, starring at my figure; if I was looking okay? It was quiet alright. No one would notice me that much, as I didn't had any friends in school. It could be said that I was gradually getting fat; in the beginning state.

In the school, "you are looking a little bit fat...." one of my classmate asked. I just rolled my eyes like I didn't care. But inside I was feeling like God please hope they don't suspect! But still managed to maintain my emotionless look.

As an introvert, it was easy for me to have a cold look. Also I had no friends to be cheerful and talkative with in school.

In the recess time, I went to washroom for my private thing. I was about to get up from the pot but saw that I was bleeding. It became normal by then, whenever I bleeded, I just sat on the toilet and didn't get up until it was over. So, I kept sitting but........guess what? The bell already rang and I was not done bleeding.

After a few more minutes it stopped and finally I went back to class.

After the exhausting day, I reached home, threw my bag on my bed. And laid down my body on it too.

Again, I got lost in the thoughts. That time I was thinking about something that would hide my pregnant belly. I guessed there's a belt which could hide it.

What is the name of that belt?

I didn't know what that belt used to call. So, I searched it on the internet. 'abdomen bolster belt' so it is the name. Okay, what's its price? ...........I left totally shook after checked it's price. It was $12.33. I didn't had that much money with me, well I never even had 5 dollar.

I knew who would buy it for me. So, I didn't waste my time and called her.


"Yeah Hello Marline. How are you doing?" She said in a cheerful tone, maybe to cheer me?

"I am good. Just stomach pains sometimes you know... by the way I've called you for something."

" you have hot packs? If not, I'll buy it. Don't worry." She said making me feel really blessed. I'd be lying if I say I didn't blush at her caring behaviour.

"Yeah yeah I have that but I need something else right now..."

"Tell me."

"I need that belt which hides pregnant belly. It's called abdomen bolster belt." I enunciated.

"Okay, it will be delivered by today evening." she assured which made me relieved.

" will you take that deliver in front of your mom?" She asked as I realised too.

"And what if she asks about what the parcel is?" I added.

"Okay! I got the idea. I will order the parcel to my location. I will spread some chocolates on the box over it, making it look like the box is filled with chocolates." She joyfully explained. I was processing her idea and yep! It was a cool idea.

"Cool. You are brilliant." I laughed.

"I know right? And then I will send it to you, just to Mrs. Smith that I've sent you some presents. Okay?"

"Yeah. I will be always thankful to you." I said with a low tone, as like I was about cry my heart out.

"Hey bitch! Shut your mouth and go eat something healthy now!" she ordered in a way which made me laugh.

"Yep Okay mommy!" I teased her too. With those giggles, we hanged up.


Author's POV
In the evening, Marline's phone vibrated as a notification popped up on her phone. It's a message from Scarlett....

Hey Marline! I got the delievery.

Oh Cool!

Yep! Now I'll order some chocolates.

Okay, but don't need to buy too many. Okay?


What with that smirk!? I am telling you, don't buy too many.

Don't worry. Just chill.
Oh by the way, I will parcel this to you tomorrow morning, okay?

No, no. Not morning. I have school in morning.
Send it in evening.

Oh yeah. Okay.
So what are you doing?

Patting my belly.

I really want to touch your big belly!!
Ohmygodd!! I'm gonna be aunt soooooon!!!

Yeah yeah. ^Aunt^ lol.
Imagine being aunt in this young age, Lmao.

Yeah yeah... What about that you are a mom in your young age?
Heyy!!! I was just joking!!
Oh you angry?
You want me to apologise?


Sheeesh see this bitch! -_-
Okay, I am sorry.

Feeling good now.
It's sooooo fun to tease you.

Haha. -_-


Marline's POV
It felt good chatting with Scarlett. She's always my mood maker.
Good thing that I would get the belt soon.

I just wondered that when people would get to know about my pregnancy and the child I was bearing was the child of a raper. What would they say? Would they look down on me? "This is a raper's child!" "Aren't you ashame of having a raper's child in your womb?" "How can you let a raper's child birth?" Would they say these all?


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