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Author's POV
23 years passed by, all that time, Scarlett, Marline and their child lived together in the same apartment. Scarlett became a soft-ware engineer after her graduation. She was paid well, so she hadn't had to ask money from her father anymore.

They were living happily, beautiful family.

The baby, Scarlett and Marline named him 'Liam'. He was always a gentle and kind boy. He never even asked about his dad as Marline taught her that Scarlett was as his father. He was parented by them in a perfect manner. They say '"here aren't any perfect ways of parenting." but Scarlett and Marline proved it wrong. Liam turned out to be a gentleman.

But Liam was still unknown to a fact till the age of 22. He was unknown to the fact that her mother and Marline were lesbian. He was even not known to the fact that his mother was raped and he was the result of it. He lived a normal life like five other people.

One day came when he had to know the truth. Truth can't be denied for a long time.


Liam's POV
I was in my room, playing video games with my homies but then I heard my mom calling me. Her voice was different from the usual one. It was like she had to say something which might me hurting.

I went up to her as she summoned.

My mom wasn't alone there, Scarlett was also with her. Both of them were sitting on the dinner table. ............They were holding each other's hand.

"Yes mom?" I asked as she guestured to sit beside her.

I sat.

"Son, we have something to tell you." She said. As I guessed that she might had something to say.

"What is it, mom?"

"Actually..........I don't know how will you react to it but it's time to reveal the truth..." she said with a low face. It caught me off guard, like 'truth'?

"What are you talking about mom?" I asked confusely.

She looked deep in my eyes which were telling me to accept whatever the truth was.

"Liam, it is that.....your mom and I are...." Scarlett said but she couldn't pronounce more.

Watching them being nervous to tell me the truth, I held both of their hand and said,

"I will accept whatever the truth is. You both don't need to be nervous about it. Calm down." I tried to calm them down.

Both of them gave a smile, it was weak but relived.

"Now tell me, what is the truth?" I asked.

"The truth that we are hiding from you is that.............your father is actually a rapist."

I was  thunderstrucked hearing those.


"I'm sorry..sorry.." I apologised for the yelling as I didn't mean to. I was just stunned by that.

"Don't you sometimes wonder that how come your mother got pregnant in her teenage? And why you believe me as your parent" Scarlett said which made me think that I had actually thought about that many times.

"Yes..I thought like this many times but I didn't get courage to ask you both....." I replied.

Then I saw my mom trying to hold her tears. I never saw mom crying. She never let me see her weak side, she always stayed strong in front of me and learnt me to be strong too.

Seeing her crying for the first time, my tears began to form in my eyes. I wiped her tears from her cheek.

"Mom, why are you crying?"

"Liam....I was rapped......when I was 11 years old...." She said while choking. I got more shock hearing that. Immediately, I gave a hug to mom. I hugged her tight.

"I am sorry." I sighed.

"It's not your fault, Liam." She said hugging me tight.

I sat back at my place after giving a hug to her, still I was holding her hand.

"Thanks to Scarlett that I am still alive and you born healthy. She took a lot of care of me." Mom said.

"Ah it's totally fine. No need to thank me. Thanks to God for giving us happiness again."

I nodded to her with a smile.

"But mom, I feel burden that I am a rapist's son.......and to kill this burden, I have to kill that fucking bastard." I said....aggressively.

"Oh dear! Don't feel burden. Forget about him, now you have us, right? Scarlett and I are your parents, isn't it?" Mom said. But I was still hurting. Then a question came across my mind.

"Mom.....nothing never mind..." I just let it go. I didn't bother to ask it. If she had anything to say about it then she might have already tell it.

"By the way, Liam......we have one more secret. We thought that we would tell you when you grow up mature. And now that you have grew up mature, we decided it to tell it." Mom said as I guessed if it was what mom was going to tell....

"We are going to get married." Scarlett said which made me confuse.

"Who we?" I asked.

"Your mom and me. We have fallen in love with each other since the day we started to live together. And when you born, our bond became more stronger." She explained.

"And we decided to tell it once you turn 20...but 22 is not bad though. So, we just tell it." Mom said.

Actually, I was wanting them to marry each other since I was 14....I saw them being happy with each other. I am not narrow minded that I will not accept them as lesbians.

"CONGRATULATIONS MOM AND SCARLETT!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed in joy, bringing unexpected smiles on their face.

"Oh Liam, you accept us?" Mom asked as I narrowed my brows at her and said,

"What do you think of your son, mom? I am not like other cheap people!" This made both of giggle. I laughed too.

"Soooooooooooooooo.......let's plan about your wedding!" I cheered.

"Mom, Scarlett, when do you both want to marry?"

" week? How about we do it next week?" Scarlett replied.

"Next week will be good." Mom added.

"Okay!!!!!!" I couldn't hold my happiness.

"Oh our son seems overjoyed."

I left a chuckle at her statement.

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