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"I have to tell it to her. She's the one who can help me in this situation."

010 18 78 99.... phone rings*


"Oh yeah Marline?" Scarlett picked up the call, but I was still quievering to tell to her. I never felt that much anxious to talk to her about my problems....but that time, it was just FREAKING OUT. How should I say it to her? Will she believe me!? I flew to my thoughts again, but soon she brought me into the reality..

"Are you even there, Marline?"

"yeah yeah.... is that I have something to tell you."

"Yes, tell it. What you did now?" Her this mocking habbit always made me laugh and so I did. But the very next second I came into serious mode again. I took a deep breathe before telling it......"Scarlett......I'm...I'm pregnant" finally I told it. I couldn't hear sound from the other side of the call.


To my surprise she hanged up the call. Why she suddenly hang up!?

I was thinking the reason, while my phone rang up. It was a video call, Scarlett video called me. Video call? What's wrong with her now? She could talk in normal call too..

Without wasting time, I picked up the call, placed the phone in front of my face.

"Show me your belly!" Scarlett said, more like she commanded. I gave her a confuse face. She just rolled her eyes to my action and told me to show my belly again. As she said, I did....I pulled up my t-shirt up just to show my bare belly, I moved my phone to front of my belly.

"can you see?" I asked. It seemed like she was trying to find something.

"....but your belly is not big, as like a pregnant woman?" She doubted, I smacked my forehead with my palm at her stupidness.

"Idiot! Just a few hours ago I found out that I am pregnant and you think it will grow that big in this much time!? You are really a stupid ass." I cursed. She left dumbfound.

"....but I am wondering why are you not surprised about how I'm pregnant?" I asked narrowing my eyes, I couldn't understand if she had already found out the reason...or suspecting me?

"Because I know." she said in one go. "Because you was raped years ago and now you are getting it's result." she said but her voice was trailing off. It must be hard for her too digesting my this problem.

"yeah....." I sighed. The environment then was filled with regret and depression. Both of our face lowed and grief caught us.

"So what you thought about it? What will you do?" she asked.

"I...don't know. I am doomed." I sighed throwing out all my positivity.

"No, no one is doomed! I have an idea." she said, her eyes had a hope.

"What idea?"

She looked into my eyes with seriousness before telling it.


I frozed at the moment she said this. At some point I didn't feel to agree with this. Abortion? No, there would some other way to deal with it.

"Scarlett? That's not possible... seriously abortion?" I speaked up. "There is some other way too to deal with it."


"I thought you would agree with that. That's the only solution coming in my mind." she voiced.

"I don't want to do it. I can't!" I exclaimed.

"You will keep the baby!?" she bursted up.

"Don't yell. Yes, I will. I will find any other way to keep the baby's secret after his birth. And in my pregnancy period, I will manage to hide my belly." I sniffled, as my lips were quievering.

"If it's that so, I will help you. Don't worry. If you need any accessories, tell me I will buy it for you." she said as my heart felt a bit relax. I sighed in relief.


"Don't mention."

With that we hanged up the call. I threw my phone on a soft place; couch, and layed my back on the bed. Staring at the ceiling, I got immersed in the memories of the past, the time I was raped... tears were escaping my eyes but my face showed no emotion. The anger to murder him was just burning in my eyes.


author's POV
"You want two candies?" the man asked Marline with a creepy smile on his face. 11 years old Marline was not aware of the intention of that man. She was behaving casually, not understanding the meaning of that creepy smile because he was her neighbour uncle.

She nodded to him for the candies.

Marline's Pov
As I nodded to him, he wrapped his hand around my neck, I gave him a soft smile thinking that he was just being friendly. I didn't understand properly his intention.

But the very next moment I felt uncomfortable as he was dragging me inside his house. [his little shop was attached to his house] I tried to ungrip myself but he was mascular so it didn't help.

"Wh--what are you- doing?" I asked him still managing the uncomfortable smile on my face. He didn't say anything but flashed a smile. The next, he layed me on the bed and tried to hover over me. That moment I got it what he was doing. I tried to kick his ball but his hand grasped my leg before I could do so.

"Leave me! Please let me go! Don't do it please!" I cried and begged but it went it futile. He carried on touching my body with his filthy hand. He kept kissing me, making me throw up in disgust. I tried to kick him again but still couldn't. He was 40 years old and I was just 11. I was unable to fight him and make my way out.

The next moment he stripped my pant and that was the time I realised that I was going to die. He grabbed my both wrist, locking it with his hand.

I just screamed and cried.


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