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Author's POV
Mrs. Smith, Marline's mother, she was cleaning Marline's room, but during that something happened which changed Marline's fate forever........


Marline was in her bathroom which was attached to her room while her mother was cleaning her room. Mrs. Smith went through all her daughter's stuffs, cleaned it. Now it was the time for checking the closet. And there's where the treasure was kept. Marline didn't wear the belt when she went to bathroom.

"What...what is this?" Mrs. Smith quiried in confusion as her eyes fell on the belt. She took it out, right in her hand with her shook face. She got real speechless when she figured out what it was.

"This belt!? Isn't this used by the pregnant women? But why is it Marline's..closet!?"

She widened her eyes when reality had hitted her......

"MARLINE, ARE YOU SERIOUS!!??" She yelled which let Marline know that her mother had found out about it.

Marline's POV
I heard my mom's yell, and I got it that I was about to die the next. I was scared to be honest. Mistakenly I let a shampoo bottle fell off. And that sound, probably my mother heard it.

"MARLINE COME OUT! I KNOW YOU ARE HIDING THERE!!" She yelled again, hearing the sound.

And the worst thing was that, I was bleeding at that time, so I couldn't even come out. Meanwhile my mother was tearing apart her vocal cord by yelling. I didn't know she cared about me that much. Like she's so hurt knowing that I was pregnant.

Or was she just trying to create a scene and accuse me wrongly and then kick me out of the house.......???

Damn I overthink too much!


As I was already revealed that I was pregnant, and nothing could I hide it anymore so I just cried out the truth that, "I AM BLEEDING! I CAN'T GO OUT!!"

I didn't hear any other sound of my mother then. I couldn't understand if she was even there standing.

But then suddenly I heard was of my mother. By that I understood that I wasn't just overthinking, it was really happening.

"Well, I don't know and don't care how you got pregnant, but I am sure that your dear father will have a heart attack hearing his lovely daughter is pregnant.

By then I was done bleeding and.........took heart to go out. And I did.

As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, a hand placed hard on my cheek.

"FOR THIS I HAVE RAISED YOU!? SO THAT YOU CAN SLEEP WITH A MAN AND GET PREGNANT AT YOUR THIS AGE!!??" My mother screamed as she slapped me and the most shocking was that she had tears on her eyes. I was confuse for a minute that why suddenly she changed. But then I realised that the reason was my father.

She changed suddenly because she saw my father entering the house. [He was at work but came home for some work.] She had to pretend to be nice with me and care about me when my dad was around. So she did that to look like she really got hurt.

Author's POV
The next Mrs. Smith was about to punch Marline's belly. But somehow Marline stopped her from doing that.

"MOM, AT LEAST DON'T DO THIS!" Marline shouted. Just by then hearing her scream, Mr. Smith came running to witness the scene.

He entered the room and witnessed that his daughter was trying to protect herself from her mother's abuse. He ran to Marline and covered her from another attack from Mrs. Smith.

"STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY DAUGHTER!!?" Mr. Smith yelled at his wife.

"Don't yell at me! If you reall have anything to say then say it to your dear daughter."

"Why? What has she done?" He asked narrowing his eyebrows. He didn't get anytime to look at Marline's pregnant belly.

He looked at her daughter to ask what happened, but then it hitted him. He saw her big pregnant belly. He was holding Marline's arm, but after looking that, he withdrawed his hands from her arm. He stepped aback in surprise.

"W-wh-what is th-this?" He asked. His voice was trailing off.

Marline, who was just standing there shedding her tears, was about trying to explain but Mr. Smith cut her off.

"'s not what you both are thinkin-"

"SHUT UP! AND DON'T TALK TO ME ANYMORE!" Mr. Smith's sudden loudness made both Marline and her mother startle.

"But da-dad let me....explain dad please-"

"Pack her bag!" Mr. Smith ordered his wife.

"I don't want to see your face anymore. Get the hell out of my house." He didn't give any chance to Marline to explain herself. With that order he walked out of the room.

"See, I told you, isn't? That your father will have a heart attack?" Mrs. Smith thought of hurting her daughter more. She was sprinkling salt on her wound.

"Pack your bag yourself!" She said and walked out too.

Meanwhile, Marline streaming down tears uncontrollably.

Marline's POV
I couldn't believe my ears. I- My father, who was the world to me, said that. I couldn't believe. He didn't even give me a chance to explain. I wondered if he really loved me.

But then I had no choice to come out of that house. I started to pack my bag, took all the important things but the one who was important to me, threw me out.

I didn't even know where I was going to stay.

Author's POV
After a while, Mrs. Smith came back to Marline's room just to find herself staring at the walls of her room.

"Aren't you leaving?" She asked her daughter bringing her attention to her.

"Oh- oh yeah...I don't even have an option." Marline gave a smile and walked out.

On the corridor, she spotted her father, she carried the last hope and ran to him and tried to explain her once again.

"D-dad actually- I-"

"I don't want anything to hear from you anymore. You can leave." Mr. Smith was still not ready to hear his daughter's explaination.

"From now on, we will believe that we never had a child." He announced. With that both Mr. and Mrs. Smith walked in to their room, leaving behind broken Marline.

As they turned their back, Marline had nowhere to go. She got out of the house but unsure of the direction to go. She just sat on the ground with her luggage, covering her face with her palms and crying behind it.

"If only I could explain it to them...." She uttered in her sobbing.

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