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Scarlett got a little bit scare, hearing her mother denying. But she came up with something.....

"But mom, I am grew up now. I can take my own care, and even if I can't, I have to I wrong?" Scarlett said with a puppy face.

Mrs. Garcia looked at her with a speechless face because she didn't say anything wrong though.

"...Okay okay! I will let you live there, but in one condition." Mrs. Garcia said which made Scarlett cheer in happy.

"Any condition, mom. Just tell me what is it?"

"I will go to your place often to meet you. OKay?"

Hearing that Scarlett took a minute to think.

If mom come often that means she will get to know about Marline. And she will misunderstand me. No, no, no, no, it will be a mess. I have to stop her. ..........Should I just tell her that Marline will be living with me? I guess I should. Because then only she will feel relived.

"It's okay. You don't need to take trouble and come often. Instead, I will often come to meet you guys."

"Why are you saying this? Why don't you let me go to your place? Are you hiding something from us?" Mrs. Garcia said frowning her eyebrows. While Mr. Garcia also got serious at that moment.

"No mom, it's nothing like that. Actually, Marline and I will live there, together so."

"What? Why will Marline live here!? Why would she be here leaving her parents!?" Mrs. Garcia's suspection got more stronger.

Telling her about Marline......wasn't a good idea. How dumb I am! Fuck!

"What are you thinking?" Mrs. Garcia asked bringing Scarlett's attention to her.

"Ah- nothing. I mean what I was was that......she transferred here. She transferred to my school. So it will be good too that we together can go to school....." she said with extreme hope.

"Oh is that so?............well then.....okay, I agree. BUT STILL I WILL COME TO MEET YOU! I AM YOUR MOM!" she yelled.

"I am telling you mom, I will come myself to meet you and dad."

"Sure?" Mrs. Garcia asked a suspecting eyes.

"YEAH!" Scarlett said cheerfully.

"OKay fine."

End of flashback

"That's how I managed my mom and dad to let me live with you in this aparment." Scarlett said to Marline, explaining all those talks.

Marline gaped at her, hearing the story.

"Cool!" Marline sighed out.

Marline's POV
I was standing there shocked. She did find out a very amazing idea. I wish I get a friend like her in every life, then there will be no regret left in my life.

After hearing her story, then we headed to our new apartment in the huge building.

Me from a middle-class poor family, I couldn't believe that I would be living there from then.

We reached out apartment. Marline and I thew ourselves on the bed, exhaling out a deep breathe.

I took my glance at her face, we both were smiling at each other.

"Thank you for finding me a place and letting me to live in it. I am really grateful to you forever." I said as she looked at me in disbelief.

"Bitch! You are totally an idiot indeed. Don't thank me, I don't like to hear thanks from you. It makes me irritate, it makes me feel like we are not friends but a stranger so." she said in an aggressive tone, but it wasn't really aggressive. I knew, to mock me.

"Okay, okay, I won't. Thank you." I teased her.

"Fuck off!" she said and rolled her eyes.

But it didn't age well....we both started to laugh out loud on ourselves.

As we were resting, after a few minutes, something struck me in my mind.

"SCARLETT!" I let out a scream in terror.

She jumped in fear asking me, "What happened!?"

"Scarlett, one thing slipped out of my mind...."

"What's that?"

"I- I don't have money to pay the rent....." I let out a tear escape my eyes as I was too emotional... but she still rolled her eyes, taking it slightly.

"Why are you rolling your eyes!? I am serious! How am I gonna stay here without paying rent!!??" I became anxious. She calmed me down by bringing a glass of water.

I drank it.

"See, as I told my father that I'm going to stay here, he himself told that he will be going to pay the rent for us. And also will give money for our personal things." She said.

"But how many days more will he be paying for us?" I asked.

"Till the day we pass our school and enter to college life."


"Chill girl!" she said as I nodded.

"So how's the baby doing?" she asked making me look at my belly.

"The baby is doing great. Oh Scarlett! I must go to get a bath. I haven't even got to bathe." I said with a laugh.

"Okay go ahead. Or do you want me to join...?" she said with a smirk. I love how flirty Scarlett is. But I wasn't going to just let her be flirty by herself.

"Oh you wanna come?" I too said with a wink making her go 'Wooooo'.

"Woah- I never saw you flirty, it's the first time."

"Haha" I let a slight laugh out of my mouth.


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