Chapter 17: The Attack

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(So, I completely forgot about the intro Vote

And since people may be no longer interested I asked myself to pick it.

So here's the intro.)

Micheal's POV

I was sitting on a chair at the dining table as I talk to my Adopted Son, Hector.

"So, how was school?"

I ask him with a suspicious look as Hector just hides his face while laughing.


I ask him again with a smirk as Hector says.

"I failed Math."

I act surprised and shocked at Hector.

"What? Man you'll be in big trouble when your mom finds out"

I was cut off when I heard a gunshot behind me As I quickly grabbed the Glock sitting on the table as I turn around with it aimed to see (Y/N) Falling to the ground, shot with a SWAT Officer rushing in. The Officer notices me and aims his Rifle towards me, I quickly aimed and fired him, as soon as the officer fired, the round hit him dead center between the eyes as the round just grazes my shoulder.


I exclaim as I quickly suppressed fire the door entrance, firing blindly as I grab (Y/N) and pull him to cover behind a Kitchen counter where Lucky was scene quickly assembling an AR-15 he smuggled into the Hotel.


I told him while putting pressure on (Y/N)'s wound. Lucky quickly places a magazine in the AR-15, He quickly Gets out of cover with the AR-15 Raised as another terrorist enters the hotel. Elena throws a hot cup of coffee towards the Terrorist, blinding his face as Lucky quickly drops him with his AR-15. As the Body falls, he takes cover as the last four terrorists opened fire, shredding the furniture.


I exclaim as I hear police sirens from the streets as I look at (Y/N) to see him breathing heavily with his eyes closed.

"I got you...I got you..." I'd say repeatedly as Lelei quickly joins me and Lucky.

"What are you doing! Get back to the bedroom with Itami and take cover!"

I told her as she approaches (Y/N)'s side.

"I can heal him!"

She says as Lucky aims his Rifle over the counter, blindly firing towards the Terrorist as he manages to hit in of them in the knee.


A voice was heard from the hell as the Terrorist quickly diver their fire towards the Police Officers. I took this as a chance and quickly got out of cover with my pistol raised, spotting the arms of one of the terrorists as I fire three shots, making the terrorist fall forward in pain as I quickly drop him, firing a round to his head.

I quickly took cover, ejecting the empty magazine and placing in a new one. I glance back at (Y/N) as I see Lelei Chanting something foreign to me as blue light surrounds (Y/N)'s wound as it slowly heals, I stare in shock at the magical act until I heard a flashbang go off.

I heard gunfire down the hall as I hear bodies hitting the ground.


A voice yells as we remain on guard, it may be a trick by the terrorists.

I stood up with my pistol aimed as the SWAT Team enters.

"Gun down!"

The officer said as I slowly lower it, I quickly turn back to the Injured (Y/N) as Elena and Kuribyashi joined us.

"Is he alright?"

Elena asks, worried as Lelei can be seen struggling to perform the spell. I stare at my Injured Brother, instantly being reminded...Of Lieutenant Martinez.

I quickly Pull the Lieutenant in cover by the bus, placing him against the bus.

"We need to get you to a Medevac, DOC!"

I yell out for the Corpsman only for the Heavy Weapons the Ants have to get back up as it fires near the bus.

"They're getting pinned down staff sergeant! The marines are getting pinged down!"

He says to me, panicked and weakly as I quickly realize what he's doing.

"I'm not leaving you, lieutenant!"

I tell him as I try to inspect the wound, reminding me of the men I lost in Iraq.

"You got to get them out of here Staff Sergeant!"

He says as I start to argue back.

"Lieutenant, I am not leaving you!"

"You got to get them out of here!"

"I Am Not Leaving You!"



I scream, remembering the faces of the men I lost in Iraq as he stares at me solemnly.

"I have a Bag of C-4 in the Bus."

He says while taking out a letter, giving it to me.

"Give this to my wife..."

As I stare at (Y/N)'s wound slowly healing, I remember the last words I heard from the Lieutenant.

"This is Lieutenant William Martinez! Echo Company! Second Battalion! 5th Marines! OORAH-*BOOM*"

I watch (Y/N)'s wound close as Lelei collapses, breathing Heavily as Lucky Comes to her side.


She'd say weakly as I held my Brother's hand, relief that he wasn't going anywhere.

Unknown Time Skip

(Y/N)'s POV

I weakly wake up, hearing the beeps of a heart monitor as I groan in pain, I slowly open my eyes, with white blinding lights blinding me as I flinch from the light. As my eyes adjust, I see I was in the Medbay Back in Falmart as I notice Kuribayashi Beside me, keeping guard on me while scrolling across some magazine.

"...You know people don't use magazines anymore except to masturbate in a Toilet."

I say weakly, jokingly as Shino quickly turns to me.

"Your awake!"

She says, dropping the Magazine as she was about to hug me but stops herself.

"...You know I almost just died so I'll let you off the hook."

I tell her as I hug her back after the short hug, we part As Elena enters the Hospital room.


She quickly jumps on top of me, nearly crushing my fucking pelvis as she kisses me with relief as I kiss her back.

'...What Happened again?'

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