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"Cree, why aren't you ready yet?" I fussed as I walked into her bedroom and saw that she wasn't in her outfit. "Come on baby. We gotta go before you're late." I told her as I grabbed her dance costume off the bed.

"I don't wanna perform tonight." She tells me as she continues to sit on her bed, playing with her fingers.

"Why not baby? This recital is all you've been talking about for the past few weeks. What's changed your mind?"

"I just don't wanna dance tonight mom." I sighed as I sat next to her.

"What's going on baby? You know you can talk to mommy." She looked up at me, then back to her fingers. I placed my hand over hers and lifted her face to me. "Talk to me Cree."

"I.. I feel like I'm gonna mess up. Then everyone will be mad at me. This is the first time I got to make up the dance and some of the other girls don't like it."

"Well I love the dance and obviously your teacher does too, otherwise she probably would've just told someone else to make up a routine. Don't doubt yourself baby. You're an amazing dancer and I promise you that after you finish your dance, your father, brother, sister and I will be standing up, cheering for you, even if nobody else does."

"Really?" She asked like she was still unsure. I held out my pinky for her to take into hers.

"I promise." She smiled and kissed my forehead then stood up.

"Help me get dressed. We're gonna be late." She tells me and I helped her into her black leotard and silver tutu. I put her silver hair accessories onto her ponytail and she slipped on some flats.

"I'll meet you downstairs in 5 minutes." I tell her as I leave her room and head to the nursery to get Karsen. She was already dressed in a black shirt and gray leggings with her Jordan Baron 9s. I grabbed her and her diaper bag and went downstairs. "Ky, where are your shoes?" I watched him shrug his shoulders as he continued to watch tv. I cut the tv off and gave him a look that told him to get his ass up and find them before we have some problems. My phone rung as I sat the diaper bag on the couch.

"Where are you?" I answered once I pulled the phone from my jeans pocket & rocked Karsen a little.

"I gotta meet yall there. Is that cool?"

"I don't care Alex. As long as you get there, and be there ON TIME."

"Chill ma. I'ma be there. I made a promise to Cree and I'ma keep it babe."

"Ma I can't find em." Ky yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Alright Alex. I gotta go. Me and Ky gone fight." I hung up with Alex and turned my attention to my son. "If I come up them stairs and I find them, Mechiah Jewel Livingston.." I didn't have to finish my sentence because I heard his little feet scurry across the floorboards and back into his room. "3 minutes!" I yelled.

"Where's daddy?" Cree asked as I put Kay into her car seat.

"He gotta meet us there." I told her. When I looked at her, she had a sad face. I wanted to comfort her but I wanted to give Alex the benefit of the doubt and I sent a quick prayer to God, asking him to please let Alex keep his promise. I rubbed Cree's shoulder and tried to cheer her up. "Come on Ky." I fussed.

"Ma.." Was all he said before I went up the stairs and into his room.

"What Ky? What did you do with them?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Just put the damn taxis on then and let's go. You probably hid them on purpose so you wouldn't have to wear them."

"No." He tells me.

"I don't believe you. You've done it before. Stop standing there and put the damn shoes on Ky!" He was stressing me out. I don't know what's gotten into him lately. He used to be my little angel and Cree was the problem child, but it seems as though they've switched roles. I grabbed his hand once he tied his shoes and we went downstairs. Cree grabbed the diaper bag and I grabbed Kay and we headed to the car.

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