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I was laying in my bed, slowly dozing off as I stared at my daughter laying on her boppy pillow. She just went to sleep after crying for the longest time. I'm trying to break her from being so spoiled. I blame Alex for this madness because he picks her up every time she starts pouting and crying. I didn't have anything to do today, which is why I'm trying to fall asleep.

Karsen was kicked out of day care because of her whining, so I'm kind of a stay at home mommy now. Motherhood seems a little harder for me, and that's weird because I have 2 more kids. But Kay, lord Kay gives me the blues sometimes. I mean don't get me wrong, I love my little baby to the death of me. I just didn't have these problems from Ky and Cree. They were good babies and they didn't cry as much. I feel like I'm in unknown territory with her, or maybe I just lost my mojo since it's been 4 years that I had to deal with a new born. Then it seems like I'm raising them all on my own because Alex works day and night all the time. He's trying to make his illegal money look like its legit, which requires him to open up store fronts and a couple more businesses. We've talked about him getting out the game, but he just tells me that he'll get out when he's ready. We have 3 kids, I think it's time. Unfortunately, I can't force him to do anything.

Karsen started fussing and moving around in the pillow. I watched her for a minute before putting my finger up to mouth to see if she was hungry. When she started sucking on my finger, I picked her up and took her into the kitchen to warm up a bottle as I began to feed her. I sat on the couch and turned on Mickey Mouse Club House as we ate and her eyes were glued to the TV. My phone began ringing from my bra so I took it out and answered.


"What you doing?"

"Feeding Kay. What's up Cherry?" I asked.

"I'm about to come over. We gotta talk."

"Alright. Just text me or something when you're outside." We hung up and I burped a sleepy Karsen. I kissed her face as I rocked her to sleep, then went to put her in her crib as I grabbed a baby monitor off her dresser, then headed back downstairs. About 15 minutes later, Cherry was knocking on the door. I opened it and she rushed in.

"I gotta pee. We can talk when I'm done." she says going into the bathroom that's down here. I waited for her to finish as I sat on the couch and turned the TV off. I looked at my phone for the time which read 2:30. Since it's Wednesday, Cree has dance practice and Ky has his after school arts program, so I didn't have to worry about leaving out now to go pick them up. I sighed, I'm missing them. I feel like they have their own lives now that Karsen is here. I mean I'm glad they like to do stuff besides sit in the house with me and Alex sometimes, but I don't really get to see them. Another reason I became a stay at home mom.

"Whoo. Girl I feel so much better." Cherice says as she sits down next to me.

"I hope your stanky booty ass didn't light my bathroom up." I joked as she stale faced me. "Did you spray?" I asked.

"No. It smells like straight ass back there." she says to me and pushed her playfully.

"What you wanna talk about?"

"I wanted to show you some of my designs for the store." she says as she pulls out a purple portfolio case from her bag. She opened it to the first page then handed it to me. I was amazed at her talent, and focused on the outfits that she created as I flipped through all the pages. There were mostly dresses. Party dresses, casual, business, masquerade, etc. Anything you could think of, they were delicately sketched onto the pages with different types of prints and colors and styles.

"I'm impressed Cherry. I really am. When can you start?"

"As soon as I get the money." she said, sadly.

"How much do you need?" I asked, ready to write a check for her.

"Oh, no. I can't ask you for that Nay. Thank you though." she says, grabbing the portfolio from my hands and putting it away. I love how modest she is, but it's no problem for me to help someone else follow their dreams.

"I insist, Cherry. I want to help you. You have an amazing talent and I want to help you showcase it." I tell her as I stand up to get my purse of the kitchen counter. I dug in it to find my check book and pulled it out.

"I'll get the money from Sage or a fundraiser or something." she says as she came into the kitchen. "You don't have to worry about it."

"Cherice Dakota Foster, you will NOT ask Sage Foster for any money. I'm going to give it to you. If you don't take it, I'll be offended." I told her, making sure she understood every word that I was saying.

"Fine." she finally said after a few minutes of complete silence. I smiled.

"How much do you need?" This was my last time asking so I'm glad that she finally agreed. I wasn't trying to throw my money in her face, but I brought her onto this project so it's kinda my responsibility to make sure that she has all the supplies she needs. The sooner we get this done, the sooner I can open my boutique.

"12 thousand." she tells me. I wrote her the check and handed it to her as I kept my smile on my face. "This more than I asked for." she says as she stares at the check.

"You may find something else you need." I tell her and she immediately hugs me.

"Thank you so much." She cried. "I'll pay you back every cent."

"Don't worry about it. Pay me back by helping me run a successful business with beautiful clothing." I say and she soon lets me go.

After she left, I checked on Karsen. Surprisingly she was woke and not crying. I guess my method is working. I picked her up and took her into my room. I wanted to go out and do something but I couldn't decide. So I put her on her pillow and we laid back and watched MMCH. She giggled like she knew what they were talking about and I took her picture and put it on Instagram, letting the world see my beautiful daughter.

I don't even remember dozing off, but when I woke up, my whole family was laid out on my California king bed. Alex laid at the end of the bed, with my feet on his stomach. Cree laid on the edge of the bed behind me, Karsen was on her stomach by Alex, while Ky rested his head on my stomach. Cree snuggled into me and I put my arm around her. I looked at the bedside clock for the time, which read 9:45pm. I was sleep for a long time. I continued to lay there with my family until I fell asleep again.

{ I want to start writing Author's Notes for you guys, but sometimes I don't really know what to say, so you won't see them often. I know this chapter is kinda boring. But it's something. A filler chappy for something greater(: Thanks for reading. } -The Nudey Fox 

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