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Right now, Alex and I are in the hospital. It's 2 am and my water broke about an hour ago. So yeah, it's almost that time for me to give birth, hopefully. Mama went to the house to watch the kids and they'll be up here when they wake up.

"Breathe baby." Alex tells me as rubs my forehead and I squeeze his fingers as a contraction shoots through me. As soon as it was over, I relaxed a little and the doctor stepped into the room.

"How are you doing Mrs Livingston?" she asked as she pulled on rubber gloves and walked over to me.

"In pain."

"What's the level of pain you're experiencing, 1 being not that much and 10 being a lot?"

"A 10." I spoke, as I controlled my breathing.

"Okay, well I know we have a birthing plan, but do you still wanna have a natural birth or do you want the epidural?"

"Give her the medicine please." Alex tells her and she nods before getting the needle from a nurse and coming to my side.

"Can you help me turn her?" she asks Alex. He nods before grabbing me and pulling me onto my side. I soon felt the sharp pain of the needle going into my back and I squeezed Alex's arm as I stayed as still as possible. Before I knew it, it was time to give birth. After 4 of my hardest pushes ever, my baby girl Karsen was born 6 pounds and 5 ounces with a head full of hair and the strongest pair of lungs. Once they cleaned her up, she was put into my arms and she had the biggest smile on her face that warmed my heart. I had the doctor tie my tubes once I pushed out the placenta. Alex doesn't know about this and I pray to God that he never finds out. I don't think we need to bring any more children into this world when we're not really stable, emotionally, I mean. Money is the least of our problems. I just want us to get to a good place for our family before we bring more kids in the middle. And seeing how we could have lost Karsen, I think this was the best decision, It's not a permanent thing. I mean who knows? Maybe our relationship will go back to being semi perfect then we can think about more kids. Until then, we need to work on the family and worry about the 3 we have now.

I didn't expect almost everybody we knew to be at the hospital at 7 on a Monday morning. A few of the guys that work for Alex, Alex's dad, who hasn't come to the births of Cree and Ky, my aunt Katie and her husband, and of course my employees came too. As James held on to my hand, my mom was talking my ear off about a baby shower, which Alex and I weren't having because we already bought Karsen everything she needs. Well Alex and Sage did. But still. Plus I still have Ky's crib and bassinet, a swing, changing table, and all that other stuff. So she really doesn't need anything else that's gonna just take up space in her room.

"I still think you should have one. There's still a few of my friends who want to buy her something." My mom says and I roll my eyes at her. I just had my baby and she's already stressing me out.

"Then tell them to just bring it to the house when they want."

"Why are you so damn stubborn child?"

"She's not your baby mom. You can't start over with her because you treated me bad." I snapped. She just stared at me with watery eyes. I didn't regret what I said to her. I regret that I made the room go silent and everyone was staring at me. My mom smiled and left out the room.

"Why you say that to her bae?" Alex asks.

"Because she was irking me. I need some rest." I tell him as I get under the covers some more and let my bed back a little. Alex told everyone to leave the room and he put Karsen in her glass crib next to me. He kissed my forehead and told me that he'll be back later with the kids. I nodded and closed my eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

i know it's short but i couldn't think of anything and you guys really wanted an update. i'll update again soon.

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