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Alex's POV

For the first time in my life, I was scared shitless. Scared that I was gonna lose the most important person in my life. As Jhanay was crying in the bathroom, I stood by the door, listening to the pain I've caused. My heart ached for the way I've been treating her. I've given her the cold shoulder for 2 weeks, dealing with my anger from our last 'conversation'.

She was supposed to be pregnant. The last time we had sex, I made sure I didn't pull out, wanting her to give me another son so Ky wouldn't only have sisters. When I realized that she didn't have morning sickness like she normally does, I had her medical file pulled. We all know what kinda power I have in this state. Not only am I a retired drug dealer, I now own one of the most prestigious restaurants in Georgia. I also own a couple of banks, real estate companies and a hotel. So I'm making some decent money.

Anyways, the file told me that she had her tubes tied and shit. I knew for a while, waiting on her to tell me herself but she never did and it pissed me off. You don't keep shit like that from your man. Even though I have no right to pry, because of the shit I been doing, she's still my wife and I deserve to know about the important decisions she makes with OUR body.

As she laid in the hospital bed, plugged up to machines that were helping her breathe, I felt useless. I caused her to have a stroke that could've lead to a heart attack if I didn't get to her when I did. The doctor said she should recover but she might be in a wheel chair for a while, whenever she wakes up. She may suffer from temporary paralysis.

"Baby, come back to me. Don't leave me." I told her. Her doctor said that she might be able to hear me so I've been talking to her everyday that I come here. She's been here for 6 days and some of the nurses have started to give up on her recovery. But I refused. We've been through too much for her to leave me like this. "I'll be back in the morning, Nay. I love you." I kissed her forehead then let her hand go then walked out.

"How is she?" Cherry asks as soon as I stepped into the waiting room.

"Still not woke yet." My voice was cracked and hoarse and I know it's because I was holding myself together by a thin thread. I cried when she was in surgery and I cried when I saw her hooked up the first night. There was nothing I could do for her. Everything was up to her and God. I don't even believe in a god, but she did so I have to believe that he'll save my wife and bring her back to me and the kids. "Thanks for watching them for me." I tell her as I take Karsen from her. "Come on kids." I tell my oldest two.

When we got home, I helped Ky and Cree with their homework and fed them some Mac and cheese and baked chicken and carrots. Karsen has started to eat table food as well so she had a nice amount of food and some apple juice. I put the kids to bed then laid on the couch. I couldn't sleep in the bedroom without Jhanay here. I missed her so much. I promised myself that I would do right by her when she recovers. My phone ringing brought me outta my thoughts of my wife.

"Yo." I answered without looking at the caller id.

"Hey, are you coming through tonight? I miss you. And we're hungry." London purred in my ear.

"Nah not tonight. I don't have a babysitter."

"Aw that sucks daddy. I really need you."

"Too bad. Wait til I have someone to watch them."

"Ok. I guess I can cook something then. Bye daddy." I could tell she was pouting but I just hung up and rubbed my hand across my face. London is this girl I got pregnant. I know some of y'all probably hate me. Shit, sometimes I hate myself too. So much has changed these past years and I'm just not the nigga I used to be. I wasn't really that nigga then but y'all know men just say and do shit to keep baby moms happy.

What about my happiness though? I got problems at home. Shit my only happiness is my kids. They my pride and joy and I would do anything for them. Then I got Jhanay. The greatest girl in the world who could have any nigga she want but she chooses me. Constantly. I can't let her go, no matter how many little chicks I got on the side. Nay is my home. Never wanna give that up.

Which brings me to the moment she asked for a divorce. Has our marriage really gotten that bad that she doesn't wanna be with me no more? I know I got a temper and I'm not the greatest nigga in the world, but I thought we were good. I thought we were doing fine.

Sometimes I feel bad for cheating on such a good girl, but she knew what kinda dude I was when we first got together. If not, she learned eventually. I know she gave up a lot for me, but wouldn't that all go to waste if we stopped being together completely? She's lost family, her teenage years. More than I lost. Shit I was already grown and doing big shit on my own when we met. I don't wanna be a dog ass nigga and I don't try to be. That's why I just fuck these hoes then go home. I never bring these bitches to my home, around my family. Some cheap ass motel or a bathroom is what these hoes get.

Shit. I sound fucked up. I don't even know why I act the way I do. I got a good thing at home, taking care of my seeds and making sure they always good. Nay don't ask or want for shit. That's what I love. She do everything for herself. I tried to break that independent shit at one point but she wouldn't break and I've grown to love her independency. Sometimes...

I just want her to have a bunch of my babies running around. But she steady opening businesses and doing a whole bunch of other shit. Even as a stay at home mom, she busy as hell. She just takes Karsen with her to work. That's not what I want. I want her ass in the house at all times, taking care of home. I know she proved that she could do both and make sure I'm happy as well, I just want her to listen to me for once.

I don't have a say in shit and that pisses me off. Except the fact that She thinks she can choose when we will have another baby. Trust me, my pull out game far from weak, so I get her pregnant when I want. But now she done had this procedure done and tried to keep it hidden from me.

Now she laying in a hospital bed and her last request was a divorce from me. I don't know if that's what she really wants or if she just said it in the heat of the moment. I hope not. I can't lose her. I refuse to let her go.

Til death do us part baby girl. And you better pray you wake up from this coma.

So I've decided to give you all a peak into Alex's thoughts. Not really much there, except some secrets revealed.

Yes he's still cheating😔


Still a good dad though.

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