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The kids are on fall break and I believe that this is the time for me to put my plan into action. I've already bought another house in Miami. It's not as big as this one in Georgia, but it'll do. Cree will spend the whole break with me and I will tell her that we're going to Miami once we're on the road and that I'm sure she doesn't have any contact with Alex anymore. I know it's wrong to trick her, but I'm more worried about my safety than her love for her father.

Even though we're divorced now, it's clear that Alex won't move on with that London whore. Anyways, Jared has been staying with me during the night and leaving in the morning before the kids wake up. But this morning was different. When he left, he headed for the Miami beach house. I have to wait for Alex to drop Cree off. Then we'll leave.

"Karsen, it's gonna be hot so I don't think you should pack any pants."

"Okay mama." She frowned and started pulling all her shorts out the drawer. I left her to go check on Ky. He's excited about the trip and he met Jared last night.

Ky was having a bad dream so he came into my room and climbed into bed with us, and he cuddled into Jared. He screamed when he realized it wasn't me. I cut the bedside lamp on and they introduced themselves and talked til Ky fell asleep. It was the cutest thing ever. I'm glad that Ky likes him. But I got a feeling that Toots is gonna be the one to give Jay a hard time.

"Mommy I wanna learn how to surf when we get there. Maybe Jared can teach me." He says excitedly.

"You can ask him when we get there. Are you all ready to go?"

"Yes! I packed everything mommy. Even my toothbrush." I rubbed his head and smiled.

"Okay you can bring your bags down after your dad leaves."

"Kay." I left his room and headed downstairs. I heard Alex's loud ass Charger engine pull into the driveway. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath as I went to open the door. I put on a smile as I seen my daughter get out the car.

"Hey Cree."

"Hi mom!" She yelled as she ran to hug me.

"How you doing baby?"

"Good. I'm excited for our trip."

"Speaking of trip," said Alex. "Where are you taking my kids?"

"It's a surprise. I haven't told any of the kids where we're going."

"Well you can tell me.."

"I'd rather not. You'll see us in two weeks." I lied and hoped he didn't see through it. He stared at me hard for a moment before responding.

"Alright. Well I guess I'll let yall go so yall don't miss the plane." He says as he heads back to his car. He opened the door and watched me for a second before getting in and pulling off. I'm glad that he thought we were flying. I don't need him finding a flight manifest with our names on it. Then he'll know where we are going.

"Ky, Karsen. Let's go!" I yelled as my phone rang. I grabbed my luggages from the coat closet and headed to the car as I answered the call through my Bluetooth.


"Did you leave yet?"

"No, Cree just got here but we're loading up the truck now."

"Okay well I'm almost at the house. I'll see you in a few hours."

"Yes you will and okay." As I hung up, I saw that Ky was dragging his luggage in one hand and holding Toots' hand in the other. He's such a big help. I do believe that Karsen's cast can come off soon. I miss her being energetic. I grabbed their bags and put them in the trunk of my brand new 2016 Jeep Cherokee.

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