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"Did you make sure to use all the colors I wanted?" I asked my designer over the phone. I had her doing all of the work because I had to stay home today. All three of my kids came down with colds so I'm taking care of them and business at the same time. I stirred the pot of soup as I listened to Yasmin tell me everything I needed to know. A few minutes later, I was impressed and told her to send me pics of the building when it was finished.

I poured soup into two bowls for Ky and Cree and took it into the living room. My babies were laid on the couch watching cartoons. Eyes puffy and red, running noses and high fevers. If Ky's fever gets any higher, we're gonna go to the hospital. Karsen laid in her boppy pillow in between her brother and sister. I gave them the soup and put some medicine into a spoon for Karsen. She tried to spit it out but I made sure she took it all.

"My poor babies." I pouted. I tucked them into more blankets and sat on the couch with them all and enjoyed the marathon of SpongeBob that was playing on the television.

I hadn't even noticed that we all fell asleep. I checked Mechiah's temperature, shocked that it went down but his forehead was still hot. Cree's temperature was normal but she was still sniffling. I gave them more medicine then went to change Karsen's pamper. I heard Alex's voice downstairs and grabbed my baby and went back to the living room.

"There's my other sick baby." He says as he takes her from me and sits Ky on his lap. Cree scoots over next to him and lays her head on Alex's shoulder. The sight was just too cute. I decided to take a shower since he was here now. Once I got out, I put on some black joggers and a v neck t shirt. I put my braids in a ponytail and went back downstairs to chill with my family.

"Mommy can I have some chicken noodles?" Cree asks. I nod my head and went in the kitchen to fix her some Ramen noodles.

It felt good to be needed my family today. I mean, Cree is always under her dad, or at dance practice or a friends house and when she's here, she has attitudes. Ky doesn't really give me problems but he does enjoy being Anti social 90% of the time. Alex never really needed me to do stuff for him, but now that he's home a lot, I just enjoy the time we spend together. Especially since we're getting along so well now. I don't know what changed between us and I'm glad that the bickering stopped. We're both doing our best as parents and I'm glad that there's no fussing or fighting. I thought that after we had karsen, there would be nonstop drama. But I was wrong to think that. I misjudged Alex. I got out of my feelings and gave Cree her food. I gave Ky some orange juice and Karsen got fed some mashed peas and carrots.

The next day, all colds were gone and Cree thought she was slick. She tried to stay home because she had a sore throat. I gave her a bag of cough drops and sent her little behind to school with Ky. Alex took Karsen to day care and I'm getting ready to go look at my boutique as well as check out my other store and salons. I threw on some boyfriend ripped jeans and cuffed them, a white t shirt and red low top chucks. I grabbed my phone, purse and keys and headed to my car.

I pulled up to my boutique building and from the outside, it looked awesome. I saw a team of designers still here, so I knew the work wasn't done on the inside yet. I stepped in and it was almost exactly what I had imagined. Teal walls with dark brown wood floors, ceiling made of mirrors with a nice glass chandelier, the counter was white with marble tops. I was in love.

"Does that face mean you love it?" Yasmin asked.

"Yes. Girl this is beautiful. I love what you did with the fitting rooms." It looked like a little chilling room. There's a table where wine would be served, the walls are white and dark brown with dim lights, there's a white couch and an ottoman. There's a tablet attached to the wall to help pick out the perfect outfit. "It's amazing. Thank you so much."

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