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I'm sad😔to say, Jhanay and Alex's journey is coming to an end✌🏾️. There's one chapter left of this book.📖

We arrived at the house and the kids were excited. I know they love having a big, flashy house because they're so used to them. But sometimes, I wish we could just live in a townhouse or something. But as you all know, I will Do anything to keep my babies happy. It feels so bad that Cree isn't here and I know you guys probably hate me for letting Alex take her. I did it to make her happy. Plus Alex is sane around Cree and he'll do anything to keep her happy and loving him.

It may sound bad but I don't think Alex loves his children equally. I mean out of all three of our kids, he chose his oldest. I remember when he used to always take Karsen from me, even Ky. But he chose Cree. I wanna know why. I called Jared's phone again, this time leaving a voice message.

"Hi Jay. It's me, Jhanay. I was calling to let you know that the kids and I are at the new house. Wherever you are, I hope you're safe. And I'm not mad at you anymore about the whole 'almost breaking my son's nose' incident. Alex showed up and you're still not around, which is putting me on edge. Where are you baby? Just text me or something to let me know you're fine. I love you and I miss you. Please come back to me."

I hung up the phone and tossed it onto the couch. I decided to make dinner for the kids. Home made baked potatoes and pork chops with gravy. We all sat at the table and ate in silence. I didn't know what the kids were thinking, but I could tell that they missed Jared too. It broke my heart not knowing where he was. My kids grew attached to him as well and you could see clearly how much they adore him and love having him around.

"He's gonna come back to us." I said to them, but it was mostly for me. I needed to believe that he wouldn't just up and leave like this.

After dinner, I put them to bed. I laid in my bed, relaxing and chilling with a deep sea mud mask covering my face. I decided to google some self defense classes. In case Alex tried something else, I feel like I need to be able to protect myself against him and his crazy antics. There's a class tomorrow afternoon. I'll go after I enroll Ky into school, and find a day care for Karsen. Seeing as I'm trying to start a new business, I need to make sure that my kids are being watched appropriately. I sat the tablet down and went to wash my face. I put some lotion on then went to bed.

"Do you like this school Ky?" I asked as he held onto my hand. We just finished talking to the principal and I think this is the best place for him. But I want his opinion as well.

"It's fine mom."

"Are you sure?" He nodded his head. Toots is at the day care already so I walked Ky to his class. "I love you lil man. I want to know how your day went later on."

"Okay mommy. I love you." He let my hand go and I watched as he went into the classroom and the teacher smiled widely at him as she introduced him to the class. Seeing that he was fine, I drove to the self defense class. I was a little early, but I wanted to check the place out in person. When I did my research online, they had a tour video that I watched. It looks the same. All the equipment looks clean and advanced. I haven't worked out since Jay and I started dating. I really only kept going so that I could be around him, until he finally asked me out.

"Hi can I help you?" The voice said behind me. "Jhanay?" I turned around and came face to face with Jared.

"Where the hell have you been?" I became angry. I've been worrying about him and he's Just fine. Not until I get my hands on him.

"After the incident with Ky, I just wanted to give you some space."

"You could've at least responded to my texts and calls!"

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