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"Shh Karsen. Please, mommy is tired." I whispered to my baby girl as I rocked her in my arms. She woke up crying and I tried to feed her and made sure she didn't pee in her pamper, she was clean and not hungry. I have no clue what's wrong with her and I'm really sleepy. I haven't had a good night's rest all week and I'm down to the last bit of energy I had left.

"Give her here. Go get back in bed." Alex tells me. As badly as I needed the rest, I needed to make sure that my baby was okay first. I placed her into Alex's arms and she soon stopped crying. "You just wanted daddy." He whispers as he put his finger in her hand and snuggled her closer. I sighed in relief and left them alone.

I went into the My bedroom and As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was knocked out.

The sound of my alarm going off woke me back up a few hours later. I turned the clock off and sat up, irritated that I only got 3 and a half hours of sleep. Now I have to get up. I threw the blanket off me and slowly rose to my feet. I grabbed my towel off of the back of the door and stepped into my bathroom. I turned on the cold water first and stepped in so that it could wake me up, then I made the water warm. I washed up and got out. I brushed my teeth then put on lotion then got dressed in a white cropped t shirt, colorful Aztec leggings and my low top all white converse. I left my hair as is, which consisted of some big box braids hanging down to my butt. I grabbed my tan MK tote and Galaxy Note 3 and headed to the kitchen.

Cree was completely dressed for school in a pink t shirt and cuffed blue jeans with her gray and pink Jordans. Her hair in a ponytail that she did herself. She stood at the door waiting on her bus to pull up.

"Gimme kiss Cree." I told her and she ran over to me and kissed my cheek just as a horn was blown outside. "Have a good day in school sweetie."

"You too mom." She said as she ran out the door. Once I saw that she was on the bus, I went into the kitchen to see Ky and Alex at the table and Alex was holding a sleeping Karsen.

"Good morning baby." I spoke to Ky as I kissed his forehead then went to the fridge.

"Morning mommy." I found a granola bar on the counter and put it in my purse then went to take Karsen from Alex. I can't believe that she's already 3 months old. Alex had her dressed in a white tank top and some pink leggings and she has on a pink headband and white socks. I sniffed her hair. I swear I'm addicted to the way she smells.

"Thanks for getting her dressed Alex. And for keeping her while I got some sleep this morning." I told him as I kissed his cheek.

"No problem. You taking her to daycare?"

"No, we're going to breakfast with Cherry."

"Oh yeah, how is she doing?" He asks.

"She's going through some things right now and she just needs someone to talk to." I tell him. About a week ago, she washed down a bottle of pills with vodka and she called my phone before she ended up passing out. I was terrified and called the paramedics. I arrived at the hospital thinking that I was too late getting there, but I found out that she was fine. Now she says that she was just trying to get some rest but I know that it's more than that.

I kissed Alex and then put Karsen in her car seat and grabbed her diaper bag, then we ran our errands. I finally pulled into the driveway of the IHOP that Cherry wanted to meet at. I got Karsen and her bag as well as my purse and we headed inside the restaurant. I looked around until I found my friend and when I did, she was sitting at the table with a menu in her hands and big sunglasses on.

"Hi sweetie." I spoke as I approached the table. She raised her head and smiled once she realized that I had Karsen with me. I sat the car seat in the high chair and Cherry immediately started taking my baby out of her seat and she sat down with her. I smiled at her holding Karsen because this was the first time I've seen her happy all week.

"She makes me want another baby." Cherry says. "I ordered for you already. But I didn't know what you wanted to drink." She tells me.

"That's fine. How are you?" I ask sincerely.

"I'm good. Better, actually. I just needed to get out Of the house & you're the only person I knew would come without judging me."

"You know I would never judge you. How's Sage doing? He doesn't answer phone calls or texts anymore."

"He's fine. He's just upset because I'm not ready for another baby."

"He wants more kids?" I ask, slightly shocked.

"Girl yes. That's all he talks about now. He wants a family like you and Alex."

"I'm done having kids, for now at least. I'm tryna open another business and I can't get as much done if I'm Pregnant and worrying about all my babies."

"I understand. That's actually another reason I wanted to talk to you. I want to be a part of whatever your next project is."

"Really? Are you sure? "

"Yes. I'm very sure. What are you tryna do now?"

"I want to open up a boutique for women. But I'm not sure about the style that I Wanna go for yet."

"You mean like casual or dressy?"

"Yeah. I kinda wanna do both but I don't know yet."

Karsen began fussing and I took her from Cherry and shook her bottle. I popped the top off and put it in her mouth. Her little mouth was moving so fast and her eyes closed. I looked up at Cherry and she had this look on her face, like she was contemplating on having another baby.

"I love when they're little and can't get into trouble." She says as she continues to watch me.

"Speaking of trouble, how's Patience?" I ask.

"Her little bad butt is turning 5 next week and all she talks about is this damn party that she wants to have."

"What kinda party?"

"Dora, of course."

We talked some more then I decided to head home with Karsen. She was knocked out in her car seat. We pulled up to the house and Alex's car was in the drive way. I figured he would've went to work today. I guess not.

"Alex!" I called out as soon as I stepped in the house.

"Yeah, what's up?" He answered as he came into view. He immediately took Karsen away from me and I closed the door and slipped off my shoes,  then went to sit on the couch.

"What you do while we were gone?"

"Chilled out and waited on you to bring her back. You fed her already?"

"Yeah. You can put her in the crib. I wanna talk to you."

"Alright I'll be back." I watched him leave the room and waited til he came back. "What you wanna talk about?" He asked as he sat down and laid his head on my lap. I played with the curls on his head.

"Remember how I said that I wanted to wait until after my fourth business was successful to have another baby?"

"Yeah I remember. What about it?"

"I still wanna wait but maybe not that long. I just don't want this to become a huge thing between us because I do want more kids, just not yet."

"I respect that. All you have to do, is tell me when you're ready. Okay?"

"Okay." I smiled. He sat up and kissed my lips. It had been a while since I felt them and I wanted more. I straddled his lap and tried to take control of the kiss, but Alex had all the power. He began to trail his kisses down my neck, causing me to moan. "So we're gonna do this?" I asked as he laid my naked body down on the bed and hovered between my legs.

"This what you want?" He asked in a husky voice as he kissed his way up my body.

"Yes. I want you." I told him.

"That's all you had to say." He tells me and does unimaginable things to me.

Afterwards, we cuddled and talked about everything until Cree and Mechiah came home. Then we went out to eat and enjoyed our family time together.

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