Chapter One: Morel Soup

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The ship creaked and swayed in the storm, Koko had tried to fly past the storm to navigate them out of it. But she deduced the winds were too strong for her to fly, especially in pixie form.

Leilani struggled to keep her balance in the rocking ship as she tried to prepare dinner. She ended up using a levitation spell so she wouldn't have to sway with the ship.

Surprisingly, Yuno was completely sober, she was fixing everything she could while the storm tore the ship apart piece by piece.

Mursai was at the wheel, maneuvering the ship as well as he could through the storm, nearly capsizing the ship in the process.

"I THINK I SEE LAND!" Koko shouted from the crows nest.

"I'M NOT SURE WE'LL BE ABLE TO GO THERE IN THE STORM." Mursai shouted back at her, trying to focus on keeping them alive.

Meanwhile, Leilani had prepared a lovely dinner, she had used the levitation spell on the rest of the supplies so they wouldn't sway with the ship either. She hummed a sunny tune and put her minced carrots into a big pot of boiling water, soon to be her famous soup. She put in celery followed by some spice and a few morel mushrooms.

Yuno bursted into the kitchen, and hit her head on a floating pan,

"WHAT THE FUCK!" she put her hand over the spot where the pan had hit. "I was just tryna check on you and you hit me with a fucking floating pan."

"Not my fault, your head is just the perfect pan hitting size," she floated over to yuno and helped her up.

"The fuck? No it's not."

"That's debatable."

"I am this close to hitting you with the same pan that hit me." when she held up her hand her fingers were already touching

"But my head isn't a good pan hitting size."

"Oh you little shit-"

Back on deck Koko and Mursai struggled to keep the boat afloat.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW?" Koko asked, still in the crows nest.

"NOT A CLUE." he replied.

Both of them were sopping wet from the rain. Koko had to wear a big yellow rain jacket, gifted to her by Leilani, to protect her wings. Mursai still didn't have a shirt on, but he had put on replacement boots and some pants, also gifted by Leilani.

They kept screaming at each other, warnings, suggestions, random questions, where answers to such should've been concerning. Until the storm started to clear.

"IF THERE ISN'T A RAINBOW I'M GONNA PUT A LETHAL AMOUNT OF DRUGS INTO DINNER," Koko exclaimed, as she made her way down from the crows nest.



"Oh gods please let a rainbow appear. I'm too young to die," he prayed under his breath.

Koko looked around. The fate of the entire plot lies in her hands.

Just in the near distance, a rainbow was splayed across the sky, above what appeared to be a small island.

"You're safe tonight dragon boi, but I'll be back with more drugs." she looked at him and did the, 'im watching you' finger thingy.

"Oh thank the gods."

They heard a clang come from the kitchen, followed by a couple fucks.


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