Chapter Thirteen: My Memories are my Curse

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"How does that even work?" Mursai asked Koko through a mouthful of breakfast.

"It's very complicated but the basic fundamental is that I am a pixie and sugar is like my cocaine," Koko had already finished her breakfast, which was not morel soup to her dismay.

"But you can still do cocaine?" Sakane raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," she nodded ever so slightly, "but it would affect me like it would if I was human."

"Damn, that is one hell of a drug," Yuno mumbled through the piece of bacon in her mouth.

"Precisely why it's only for special occasions," Koko emphasized the words a little too well, and the others were left wondering what kind of occasion was considered special in the eyes of Koko.

Their trains of thought were interrupted by Lady Iris taking a seat under the canopy that was specially reserved for her.

"You four seem to be enjoying yourselves," she said, almost sarcastically.

"The confusion is palpable," Koko remarked with a wicked smile on her face.

"Well that's about all I'm willing to know about that subject," Iris moved on, "how did everyone sleep last night?"

There was a mutual silence, giving Iris her answer.

They didn't really talk much after that, there were a few small conversations, followed by banter, but it never truly became an interesting discussion. They were okay with this, if there wasn't something to discuss then why waste the energy and time?

It took only a few more moments for Leilani to intervene with urgency.

"I hope everyone enjoyed breakfast," there was a slight exasperation to her voice, "I don't mean to interrupt, never mind I do, but we best be headed on our way, time won't wait for us."

They all agreed silently, and gave their leftovers to Sakane and Yuno, who greatly appreciated the extra food.

Mursai noted how Koko was the most on edge, she had been avoiding the topic of Kyve since they had fallen asleep. He tried to accept the fact that Koko was entirely allowed to acquire more friends that weren't him, but he was still stuck on the potential of losing her. In the end he avoided the topic himself and chose to listen to Fujita, who was apparently explaining something very important.

"--We'll go over a plan once we get there,"

"Where are we going exactly?" Mursai asked, hoping his question hadn't been answered when he wasn't listening.

"Serena's Shirlene Medleys," Fujita answered, as if Mursai would know what that was, "It's a tavern a little ways from here."

Yuno stirred as she tried to recognize the name. Ultimately she let it sit in the back of her mind as she attempted to distract herself by talking to Sakane.

Eventually they were on their way, hiking through the forest trying to take in what they could without it being ruined by their impending feeling of anxiety.

Koko was particularly keen on ignoring the tension in the air, so she continued to crack jokes whenever she could, cackling in an attempt to cut the palpable tension between everyone. She tried so hard to ignore how she was the most on edge, how she was ready to tear beings apart if it meant Kyve would be safe. She was ready to sacrifice herself if it meant that someone, who may or may not even be who she liked to think she was, would live on. Koko was a mess of emotions, but with the help of her rather unhealthy habits, she was able to hide it relatively well.

At least on the outside.

Koko wasn't the only one trying to avoid a complete mental breakdown, in fact, practically everyone in the group was verging on insanity at that moment. It was like the thick tension in the air had been laced with one of Koko's narcotics, and every second they kept breathing it in, was another second spent dwelling.

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