Chapter Seventeen: Bliss and Bitterness

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 {Very slight smut warning, I will mark where it ends and begins for anyone who isn't comfortable reading it.} 

Yuno wasn't quite sure who threw the first punch, she hoped it was her, she just knew that her drink was now on the ground, and her sick ass beer stein was shattered.

"Not that's-" she slurred and danced through her words, "-is where I draw the line."

She took the nearest drink to the bar and chugged it. Holding a finger up in her opponent's face, gods she loved making them wait. It only took her a few seconds to finish the drink, but she made sure to let out a boisterous belch before throwing the meanest, dirtiest, most personal right hook that bar had ever seen.

Her opponent, Rat Man as she called him in her head, stumbled back a few steps before charging at her.

She yawned and dodged just before he tried to tackle her. Instead he tackled the poor bar patron just behind her, who quickly began punching Rat Man, continuing the bar fight and further escalating it into something Yuno could really enjoy.

"Who's next?" Yuno asked, looking around at her next possible opponents.

A man shrugged and stood up, mistakenly thinking he could take her.

He tried to throw a pretty promising punch but Yuno respectively caught his wrist, pulled him back and brought down her other hand into his elbow with the force of ten thousand men, pretty much shattering the poor man's elbow.

"It was a nice try," she reassured him as he whimpered from the pain of his bones breaking.

Yuno simply moved onto the next, mindlessly going through each opponent like it was nothing, she even had a few beers in between punches, a routine she often rehearsed. It was such bliss to her, the pleasure and euphoria she felt from each successful KO was immeasurable, like a drug to her. This feeling was only amplified when a worthy opponent showed up.

It was when Yuno was in the process of knocking out Rat Man that she showed up, and proceeded to punch Yuno square in the face as she turned towards her.

"Congratulations on being the only one to land a hit," Yuno said, squaring up immediately, leaving rat man in the dust, 'but I'm afraid it'll be your last."

"We'll see about that," She said, putting her fists up in a similar fashion.

Yuno smirked, and instantly went for the knees. She whipped herself around the woman and kicked into the crease other knee, sending her stumbling to the floor.

Instead of falling over like a newborn deer, giving Yuno a chance to really hurt her, she proceeded to do a, somewhat graceful, front walkover, almost kicking Yuno in the face.

"Oh fuck off," Yuno said, quite annoyed by the obvious show off.

"Oh but I'm not done yet."

And there was a moment between them, solidarity perhaps, where they understood each other immediately, and fully.

The bar around them was overfilled with chaos, things flying in the air, people screaming and fighting, bartenders hiding behind counters and hoping they won't have to clean up the mess, knowing full well they will.

Yuno laughed for a moment and moved her hair out of her face, "let's fucking go then."

Her perfect moment of being the bar fight champion was abruptly interrupted by the hellish screams of her friends.


{Smut starts here} 

Mursai was waiting, waiting for something he knew he'd been longing for. So when Zeke emerged from the other room, a glint in his eyes, Mursai couldn't help but to grab and throw him onto the bed. He was honestly surprised at how easy it was for him, but he didn't have time to dwell on it.

He jumped on top of Zeke, who immediately grabbed the taller man's waist, almost forcing him closer.

"You don't know how long I've wanted this," Mursai whispered into Zeke's ears.

"And you don't know how long I've wanted to see you like this. It's hot." Zeke responded.

Mursai connected their lips, igniting a passion he hadn't known before. It was as if it had lit a fire upon his heart, he loved it.

He soon realized that it had actually lit a fire inside him, and it was slowly creeping its way up to his mouth.

He quickly moved his lips from Zeke's, just before he practically threw up flame.

"I didn't know you could do that," Zeke said, clearly finding the ability extremely attractive.

"Well, it doesn't really happen very often," Mursai sort of laughed through the sentence.

"Well I think you should do it more often," Zeke sat up on the bed. Watching Mursai coll himself down.

"It's not that easy-" Mursai began.

"Ok just shut up and kiss me again."

"Make me-" Mursai was cut off by Zeke launching himself towards him, pinning him to the bed.

Mursai lightly pulled Zeke's face away from his, "I don't want to hurt you."

"Then I won't go near the source," Zeke smiled almost maliciously as he began to kiss Mursai's neck.

Smoke came out of Mursai's mouth as he let out a light moan.

Zeke ran his hand along one of Mursai's horns, knowing it was a sensitive spot for draconic people.

Zeke began moving his kisses lower and lower, pleased with how Mursai was reacting. That is until Mursai decided it was his turn.

{Smut ends here} 

The rather exciting moment was interrupted by a shrill scream that brought Mursai out of his fantasy.

When Yuno and Mursai awoke they were greeted with the haunted sight of Leilani screaming, yet there wasn't a single wound or welt upon her body.

Yuno then saw Koko across from her, passed out and dry tear streaks all down her cheeks. Mursai quickly looked to his side to see the same sight.

The two looked to each other, with almost no understanding of the context of the situation but a large understanding of what they were going to do.

The two of them took a deep breath and tried to breathe fire at Victor, who was standing in front of Leilani, a devilish smile across his face.

And while it felt as if there was a lot of power behind their buildup, neither of them could produce anything more than a puff of smoke.

Victor, suddenly distracted, turned to them. He simply laughed at the sight of their failure.

"Oh," he began, "how pathetic."

He reached for the both of them, laughing like a maniac as he creeped closer and closer into their worst nightmares. 

{wooo, Mursai is a whore deep down, despite the fact that he doesn't know what horny means.} 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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