Chapter Six: It's a Date

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Yuno enjoyed walking alongside the ex-prisoners, she got to hear about all of their awesome adventures, and how they ended up on this island and how they got into the village jail. Even when most of the old prisoners had simply wandered into the village and had done nothing, others said that they had epic fights with the villagers.

Yuno wondered how they got through the village without being noticed, maybe it was one of Leilani's tricks, but even then, there were so many people there, Yuno wasn't sure how many Leilani could use a Trick on at once. Then again, she's only ever seen her tricks and magic on four people maximum.

"I think I see Mursai and Sakane." Leilani stated, squinting to get a better look.

A few minutes passed before they were close enough to greet Mursai and Sakane.

"Hey Mursai, you ok?" Koko said as she noticed the puffiness around Mursais eyes when she got closer.

Leilani had been too distracted by rounding everyone together that she hadn't noticed Mursai and his eye puffiness.

"Yeah I'm okay," Mursai said, trying to avoid having to say what actually happened, "just got a little spooked earlier."

Sakane stood next to him, awkwardly trying to figure out what to do with his hands.

Mursai gave Sakane a look and gestured his head to Yuno who was handing out small bottles of alcohol to everyone.

Sakane awkwardly waddled over to Yuno.

"Hey Yuno," Sakane rubbed the back of his neck, "can I talk to you real quick?"

"Sure, what's up?." she said, still handing out bottles of booze.

"Maybe we can talk uhm, over there or something." he pointed towards a small patch in the woods.

Yuno grew concerned, "ok?"

The two of them walked over the patch in the woods.

"What do you think that's about?" Koko asked.

"No idea," Leilani answered, still rounding everyone up.

"Oh yeah I have nooooo idea what's going on either." Mursai said, trying to cover up the fact that he did indeed know what was going on.

"What do you know?" Koko asked, looking suspiciously at Mursai.


Meanwhile Sakane struggled to put his feelings into words.

"Yuno...ah uhm.. I love're...your BOOBS...shit no dammit Sakane." he face palmed.

Yuno took a moment to process what Sakane was trying to say.

"Sorry, I uh.. I didn't say that right-" Sakane was cut off.

"Hold on- YOU LOVE ME?" Yuno had yelled that loud enough for everyone to hear. But Mursai had convinced them to pretend they didn't hear anything, just so Sakane wouldn't feel even more nervous then he already was.

"I- yes, and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" Sakane felt his face heat up.

"Sakane, we've been dating for years."

"Wait REALLY."

"Yes, I even told Koko about you."

"She's the one who has the good weed right?"

"Sakane, she's the only one with weed."

Suddenly Koko appeared behind Sakane.

"Did someone say weed?"

Both Yuno and Sakane jumped back after being startled by Koko.

"How the fuck did you get there?" Yuno asked.

"Yeah that scared the shit out of me." Sakane added.

"You'll find that eavesdropping is a lot easier when you can turn into a 6" tall version of yourself."

"KOKO." Yuno yelled.

"What can you blame me, I knew Mursai wasn't gonna tell me anything, I had to get my information somehow." Koko replied

"TIME TO EAT." Leilani shouted, getting the attention of everyone.

"This isn't over," Yuno said to Koko, walking over to the large dining tables.

"It's never over," Koko responded.

The two of them made their way towards the feast, giving each other glares, while sakane followed awkwardly.

Leilani had laid out a spread of snacks and pre-made meals, it was the best feast she could muster up on such a short notice.

"Well," she turned to Yuno and the others, "this isn't what I had in mind for our adventure today, but it's an adventure nonetheless."

"Trust me," Yuno said, "I don't think anyone expected anything that happened today." 

{I hope everyone enjoyed this filler chapter, I for one completely forgot it existed.} 

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