Chapter Seven: Escape

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Fujita was slammed against the cold stone walls of the old village, his vision was blurry but he could make out the rough figure of the man who the island residents called, "the Island Monster." Otherwise known as Victor.

This man was harming the people Fujita fought to protect. And he was going to pay the price.

Just as Victor got close enough, Fujita forced himself to get up, despite the pain. He got into a steady stance, took a breath, and kicked victor with the force of a thousand cannons.

Victor fell back and gripped his side where Fujitas kick had landed.

Fujita took this as a chance to run. Run and get everyone else out of this hell hole.

He found a group of villagers who were trapped in the maze of the village ruins.

"I need everyone to be as quiet as they can," Fujita whispered. "And if you see something, anything that you desire, ignore it. Our top priority is getting out of here"

The villagers nodded.

Fujita gave them a small smile and started to lead them out of the ruins. His mind was flooded with memories of how the ruins used to look, before the Day of Deadly Rain.

He shook the memories out of his mind and continued to lead the villagers into the forest.

Despite trying to keep his mind set on leading the villagers to safety, it wandered and he thought about Yuno, and Sakane. He had raised them, and abandoned them. But he had no other choice. His mind liked to tell him otherwise.

And after all those years, he came back to the island.

Memories of Sakane and Yuno as little kids made him wonder how they were doing now. Had they left the island in search for a new start like he told them to, or did they stay on the island, and try to rebuild it.

He couldn't help but blame himself for leaving them, for all he knew they could be dead.

"Excuse me sir?" one of the villagers spoke.

He turned towards them.

"Why did you stop moving? I told the other to keep moving through the forest, and that I would stay behind for you."

Fujita looked around and realized he had stopped, dead in his tracks, just on the outskirts of the forest.

"Ah, sorry about that, I guess I'm just thinking too much." he looked ahead. "We don't have very far to go from here, follow me and let me know immediately if you see anyone behind us."

"Will do," the villager said, ready to go as far from the ruins as possible.

"Not so fast," Valentine said from behind them.

Fujita positioned himself in front of the villager, trying to protect them.

Valentine took a step towards them. They took a step back.

He put his hand out towards the villager. Fujita pushed himself to cover the villager completely from Valentine. Who knows what he could do.

Valentine wore a smug smile. He scoffed and opened his mouth to speak. But before he could get the words out, Fujitas fist was hurling towards his face.

Fujita landed the punch square on Valentine's jaw.

Valentine stumbled backwards, his hand hovering over his soon to be bruised jaw.

Just when Fujita expected Valentine to fight back. Valentine started laughing hysterically.

"I should thank Victor for forcing me onto this island," Valentine said after his laughing fit, "I haven't had this much fun for years."

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