Chapter Five: Bros

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(CW/ Panic attacks, lot's of crying yay.) 

Sakane made his way through the woods, trying not to go too far from the village, but still managed to stay a ways away from it. Or more, the people in it.

He made sure to warn Mursai for the big tree roots protruding out of the ground, it was never a fun wound to try and patch up.

After warning him about a root and a fallen tree branch, he heard a small thud. Sakane turned to look behind him.

Mursai was kneeling on the forest floor, wiping tears and dirt from his face.

Sakane paused, not sure how to react.

"Mursai?" Sakane asked, taking a few steps towards Mursai. "Are- are you okay?"

Mursai whipped his face a few more times and nodded, before standing up and stepping over the tree root he had previously tripped on.

"I just wanted to make sure, that was a pretty nasty fall from what I could hear." Sakane hesitated before continuing. "Plus, I'm a little shaken up by that whole village and monster thing, I just wanted to make sure you were okay as well."

Mursai's heart began to pound, harder than it was before. His breath grew short, and his hands started to shake. He looked up to Sakane, tears blurring his vision.

Sakane knew his look all too well, Mursai was terrified.

Sakane was about to say something when Mursai looked like he was about to pass out, Sakane ran up behind him before he fell.

He caught mursai just before he fell over the tree root another time. Instead of helping Mursai back up, he gently sat Mursai down and sat across from him. Making sure not to be too close and possibly make him panic even more.

Mursai began hyperventilating. He tried to stop his hands from shaking but failed. His tears felt cold against his hot skin.

As his breaths grew shorter and quicker, Sakane noticed smoke coming out of his mouth.

Sakane held his hands out towards the panicked dragon. Mursai's head lifted ever so slightly.

After contemplating for a moment, Mursai grabbed Sakane's hands. It may have caused him to cry a bit more, but it was comforting.

"It's gonna be okay," Sakane said, his voice was softer and quieter than it normally was. "Think about something that makes you happy."

Mursai let go of one of Sakane's hands and gripped the strawberry necklace he never took off. He smiled.

After some time, Mursai began to calm down a bit, his breathing regulated and his tears eventually dried out on his face. He let go of both his necklace and Sakane's hand.

"Wanna talk about it?" Sakane asked.

Mursai shook his head and sighed.

"That's okay," Sakane said, glancing towards the village. "How long do you think it will take Leilani to get the other two out of jail?"

"It better be soon, no offense but I wanna get off this island as soon as I can, and go see Zeke."

"Zeke?" Sakane tilted his head slightly.

"My boyfriend," Mursai answered.



"That's so fucking cute."

"And you and yuno aren't?"

"We would be if I knew how to ask her on a date," Sakane said, sighing. "Speaking of which, how did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Ask out your boyfriend." Sakane was genuinely curious.

"You think I did that? Oh no, I barely had the confidence to say hi to him." Mursai rubbed the back of his neck. "Wait, aren't you and Yuno already together?"

"I guess so, but I've never actually asked her out before."

Mursai stared at Sakane for a second before breaking out into laughter.

"What, what did I do?" Sakane was startled by Mursai's sudden change in attitude.

"You? The hyena guy, who is like, really scary, is scared of asking someone out?" Mursai raised an eyebrow.

"You're one to talk, when I first met you I was like 'oh shit Yuno has spent who knows how many years with this guy, how the hell am I gonna ask her out now?'"

"It can't be that hard, right?" Mursai sounded unsure.

"Please, please please please." Sakane begged, "I'll make you ten flower crowns if you teach me how to ask her out."

"Why flower crowns?"

"I don't know, it's what the pixie wanted when I asked her for some weed."

Mursai looked at him for a second, and broke out into laughter once more.

"What did I do this time?" Sakane said, pouting.

"We've barely been here a day and you've already asked Koko for drugs," Mursai answered in between laughs.

"Okay haha very funny," Sakane said, crossing his arms, "but seriously how do I ask Yuno out?"

"Ok ok," Mursai said, wiping tears of joy from his eyes, "here's what you're gonna do." 

{welp, I hope y'all had fun reading my chapter of emotional damage, I have much more to come. The next chapter is like sorta actiony so like have fun with that information.} 

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