Return of a friend.

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Dan: Drago!

Dan shot awake from his sleep as it woke up Marucho. He looks at Dan and sees him startled.

Marucho: Are you alright, Dan.

The door then opened and see Barren entered the room.

Barren: What's going on? Did something happen? Did you have a nightmare?

Dan: Yeah.. I guess I was... Sorry to wake you.

Marucho: Some nightmare you must've had. Every single Vestal in the nightmare must've heard you.

Barren: I mean, he did lose pretty bad...

Dan: You know what, Barren's right. Drago, time to start training!

Marucho: In the middle of the nigh?!

Dan looks around as he doesn't see Drago.

Dan: Drago? Hey, guys. You've seen Drago?

Meanwhile, at the terrace of the base, Drago was looking at the sky.

Drago: For the first time... I wonder if I have the strength to do what must be done. Wyvern... You sacrificed your life to save our world and I will protected until my last breath. But... I can't do it alone.

???: You should know by now, you're not alone.

Drago turns around and sees Leonidas.

Leonidas: You have the brawlers, bakugan that count on you, and more importantly, your partner.

Drago: Huh, you're right...

???: Drago.

They turn around and see, Dan, Marucho, and Barren.

Dan: There you are. What are you doing here?

Drago: Just... catching up.

Dan: Good. Let's get to work.

He says while equipping his gauntlet.

Meanwhile, Ace and Y/N were inside watching them from a window when they hear Mira walking to them without taking their eyes of them.

Mira: He woke you too. Are you worried?

Ace: Not about him. If he brawls at this hour, the release power could give the Vetals a fix on us.

They watched Drago and the others training for some time.

Ace: Now I'm bored. Wake me when the Vestals attack. 

He said before walking out.

Mire: Right, pretend like you don't care.

Y/N: Took the words out of my mouth.

Meanwhile, at Hydron's throne room he had a cup on his hand.

Hydron: A toast to the famous warrior bakugan.

He said before drinking from the cup.

Hydron: The most powerful bakugan from each attribute... and they're all mine So tell me...

He then throws the cup to the ground as it breaks.

Hydron: Why do I only have five?! Spectra!

Spectra then appeared in a screen.

Hydro: What is going on?! You defeated the human and yet I still don't have a Pyrus Dragonoid in my collection or even attempt to get the bakugan of doom!

Spectra: My apologies to you, Price Hydron.

Hydron: You're supposed to be the best brawler in New Vestroia. So prove it!

Dark Brawler: Defenders of Vestroia(Bakugan New Vestroia x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now