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Julie and Michael were at the lab as they were staring at the machine before hearing a scream and suddenly Alice and Runo came out of it as Julie caught them.

Julie: Oh, I'm glad you're okay!

Suddenly they hear another pair of screams as Dan and Baron come out of the gate and fall to the ground and right after Y/N came out as he landed on them.

Y/N: Hey, I think this is the first time no one lands on me in this kind of situations.

Suddenly, Mira came out of the portal as she landed on him

Y/N: Okay, I spoke too soon...

They all see each other.

Julie: Guys, you're back!

Y/N: Hey. Everyone, meet the bakugan resistance.

Baron: Hi there.

Michael: Looks like we have company.

He says as Spectra, Guss, and Lync crossed the gate.

Dan: The Vexus!

Y/N: You shouldn't have come. People like you are not welcomed on our world.

Lync: Hear that, Spectra? We're not wanted here on Earth.

Baron: You got that right!

Spectra: Fine then. I'll go. But I want...

He jumps at them before grabbing Runo.

Spectra: A souvenir!

He says before jumping to the top of the machine.

Runo: Let me go, you feathered freak!

Spectra: Watch your mouth. He says before jumping out through the glass roof.

Dan: Runo!

The brawlers got out to find them and follow Spectra's tracks.

After some while, they stop.

Julie: There's no more tracks... It's like they just disappeared.

Mira: We better split up.

Y/N: Right. Dan, Julie, you two cover the North side. Mira, Baron, you cover the West. I'll cover East.

They all nod before heading to their locations.

As Y/N was running through the forest, Leonidas calls him.

Leonidas: Y/N.

Y/N: What is it Leonidas?

Leonidas: I feel something strange.

Y/N: Strange, what do you mean?

Leonidas: I don't know... But it feels familiar...

Y/N: We'll look into it later, we should focus on the task at hand.

Leonidas: Right.

Meanwhile, Lync was walking through the snowy forest.

Lync: Great. Now we're stranded on an ice cube planet in the universe. Of course, it figures that Spectra couldn't transport us in a beach or something.

???: What is your problem.

Lync hears a voice before seen Guss landing in front of him.

Lync: Well well, Spectra's little pet.

Meanwhile, Dan and Julie were running through the forest.

Runo: Dan!

They hear Runo and see Spectra holding her above a boulder.

Dark Brawler: Defenders of Vestroia(Bakugan New Vestroia x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now