Freedom Run.

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(Sorry for not uploading this yesterday, I had a small complication but it's now fine, anyways, both chapters are released today)

Y/N, Dan, Mira, and Baron were sitting at the stands of the arena as they were watching Shun and Ace fighting on the arena.

Dan: *groans* This is killing me... I should be out there battling. I can't even bare to watch this.

Drago: Stay focused, Dan.

Dan: Why do they have all the fun?

Y/N: That's just how things is.

Baron: Guys, look.

He points at the lightning running to the top of the dome.

Y/N: They key to our mission.


The brawlers were on a playground as Shun showed them a digital map.

Shun: According to this, the power generated from the bakugan battles is absorbed inside the arena then transmitted to the outside through a controller.

Dan: So what's the point of that?

Mira: There' an awful lot of energy that is released from bakugan battles.

Baron: And if that power isn't released, the controller will get overloaded.

Ace: So if the bakugan battle stuffs enough power into the controller.

Shun: And if we can block the transmission...

Y/N: The power will keep building until the energy becomes too much and explodes.

Drago: Then we must take advantage of the upcoming tournaments.

Leonidas: That starts today.

Pantherine: We have to register soon.

Mira: Okay, everyone. We'll have to break into two teams. Two will battle in the tournament while the rest of us sneak inside and find the controller.

Dan: I call the battle! Drago and I will fight for the resistance!

Baron: No fair! I wanna fight! You always get the battles, Master Dan!

They then started arguing over who will fight.

Y/N: I guess everyone wants to battle...

Mira: *groans* That is enough! We'll draw numbers to decide.

She says while extending her hand with a few pieces of paper and everyone took one.

Dan opens his and screams upset.

*Flashback end*

Dan: You're right, I lost the draw. But those two are one odd match.

They continued watching the battle until it finished as they saw Shun and Ace competing with each other rather than fighting together.

Mira: Those two... they're making me nervous.

Baron: Shun and I are like... fire and ice. They're fighting styles are different.

Dan: *groans* This is driving me completely crazy! Let me and Y/N trade places with them, we would've won to championship already!

Y/N: Dan, we're not here for that!

He says while slapping Dan on the back of the head.

Dan: Hey! I thought we were over that!

Y/N: At this pace it will never be over.

Mira: Hey, look. Marucho's next.

They saw Marucho entering next in the arena with a mask and saw his fight, however, he used a different bakugan than Elfin, to start the battle but ended losing control of it and ultimately disqualified him.

Dark Brawler: Defenders of Vestroia(Bakugan New Vestroia x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now