Shadow Attack.

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Spectra was on his ship with Guss.

Spectra: Now, Guss. It's time.

Guss: Yes, sir, as you wish.

Guss presses a button before his ship launched a small satellite outside.

Meanwhile, in Vestal, many digital screens appeared, with Spectra in the screen, on the streets as all of the citizens looked confused at this.

Spectra: Greetings, citizens, I am Spectra. I'm sure many of you remember me as the leader of the Vexus, but that is no longer so. Like you, I was deceived by the royal family. King Zenoheld and Prince Hydron are planning to conquer all nations across every dimension. When I learned of their plan to build a new evil empire, I could no longer be part of the Vexus. Thye granted me a traitor, but I don't care. 

Meanwhile, the Brawlers were still at Klaus' mansion as they were watching Spectra's intermission.

Ace: Can you believe the nerve of this guy?

Dan: Spectra is putting a good performance...

Y/N: He's planning something.

Mira: *thoughts* Keith...

Spectra: Vestal is in danger from the evil King Zenoheld!

Meanwhile, King Zenoheld and the Vexus were on the throne room as they also watched Spectra's intermission.

Hydron: Why that filthy traitor. How dare he try to jeopardize our mission like that.

Zenoheld: Let him babble all he wants. No one will trust a former member of the Vexus, much less a traitor.

Shadow: *laughs* You forgot to mention loser and bad dresser too!

Myline: *sighs* What an idiot.

Shadow: Oh snap! He is an idiot, isn't he? Hang on... You're talking about me, aren't you?! Who's the one that lost to a on a ruffled shirt! Oh. I'll show that loudmouth, Myline! Let me go next!

Zenoheld: You've much to learn in the way of manners, but the others have be disappointing. Very well, you may go.

Shadow: Yes! Watch the master at work.

He says before running off.

Shadow was now in the transporter system as he was then being transported, but when he reappeared, he was back in the transporter system.

Shadow: What happened?! I'm still here!

Meanwhile, Zenoheld saw this as he looked confused from his throne.

Zenoheld: Why did the transportation failed?

A screen appeared in front of him as an engineer appeared on it.

Engineer: It seems our transport signal in Vestal is being jammed by a transmission of the Vestal Destroyer.

Zenoheld: Spectra no doubt.

Meanwhile, Spectra and Guss were inside Spectra's ship, the Vestal Destroyer.

Guss: Our signal interference was successful, sir. We have managed to block the royal palace from transporting anyone to Vestal.

Spectra: Excellent news. I can battle Dan without any interruptions from Zenoheld or the Vexus. I'll be the one to get the perfect core and defeat Leonidas, and this time no one will get in my way.

Meanwhile, the Brawlers were on the garden as they sat in a table.

Mira: I remember something Keith said to me.

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