Brotherly Love.

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Spectra, Guss, and Clay were looking in a monitor.

Clay: Yes, excellent! With this dat, I will finally be able to create the most powerful, mechanical bakugan in the entire realm.

Helios: Nonsense.

Clay: Huh?

Helios: Yes, a mechanical bakugan is strong. But only a cyborg bakugan can be the ultimate in power.

Spectra: Helios... what are you saying? You wish to endure the transformation?

Helios: I understand that I can never revert back once it has begun, but it's worth the sacrifice to become more powerful than any other bakugan.

Spectra chuckles!

*Time skip*

Spectra was in an observation room as he looked Helios with what looked like metal parts on him.

Spectra: Helios, my bakugan, I am more than happy to grant your wish.

*Time skip*

The brawlers were now in the base.

Ace: You're lying!

He says while grabbing Dan by the collar.

Ace: There's no way Mira betrayed us!

Dan: I didn't wanna believe it either! But it is the truth...

Ace: It can't be! She devoted her life to the cause!

Percival: Calm down, Ace.

Barren: He's telling you the truth. Mira left willingly... with Spectra.

Drago: Enough.

Pantherine: Arguing won't bring her back.

Ace let's go of Dan.

Marucho: It's weird, I never would've guessed that Spectra was Mira's brother.

Y/N: This is my fault.

They all looked at him confused.

Y/N: If I had told her before... maybe she would still be here.

Dan: What are you talking about?

Y/N was quiet for a few seconds before answering.

Y/N: I already knew that Spectra was her brother, before she even knew.

Ace: Wait, what? How could you even know that before her?

Y/N: That's because... I used to work for Spectra.

Everyone gasped in shock.

Ace: You what?! You're a traitor?!

Dan: That's impossible! There's no way Y/N would betray the bakugan!

Ace: He's literally saying it!

Shun: Wait, Ace! Let him explain.

Ace: *groans* Fine.

Marucho: Y/N, explain us what you mean.

Y/N: A few weeks after I first arrived to New Vestroia, I found myself in Alpha City's tournament, where I first met Spectra.

Pantherine: We battled him and purposely lost to prove the containment of the controllers.

Y/N: After the battle, Spectra invited me through lies in the Vexus, and I foolishly fell for it. I worked for him for some time and familiarized myself with this world. Until I discovered his lies and was able to get out of there through battle.

Barren: You fought your way out?

Y/N: More like wagered my way out. I defeated Spectra and he let me leave the Vexus after that.

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