BT: The Final Battle.

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Clay and Spectra were at the lab room.

Clay: A proposition?

Spectra: I'd like to offer you a place in my side.

Clay: What's that?

Spectra: Thanks to you, I've lost Guss, my loyal right hand. Luckily for you, this has created a job opening. I will need someone with your superior technical abilities.

Clay: How arrogant of you to think I'd serve under a boy.

Spectra: Perhaps you're the one who is arrogant, Professor Clay. Don't you want to hear what's in it for you?

Clay: Go on.

Spectra: In return for your services, I will give you the key to the bakugan's full DNA sequence. What do you say, professor, is that something you might be interesting in?

Clay: You really have their full DNA sequence?

Spectra: Would I lie to my own father? Let's do this and take down Zenoheld together.

Clay: You have to forgive my skepticism, but I think that we both know that we are no longer father and son.

Spectra: We both have much to gain here. Can't we leave the past behind and move forward.

Clay: I have nothing else to say. Now leave, Spectra, before I am forced to summon the place guards.

Spectra leaves the room.

Spectra: *thoughts* with Guss' disappearance and Professor Clay unwilling to join me, things will be difficult. Still I cannot lose momentum, specially since I'm so closed from having the DNA sequence fully analyzed. But I have to remember what Y/N said.

Y/N: *Spectra's memory*  You say that you aim to create the ultimate being, but it is still a bakugan, right? If that's so, when the BT system is activated it would be just as deadly to him as the other bakugan.

Spectra: *thoughts* How right you are, Y/N. Time is of the essence. If I wait any longer I may never get Drago's perfect core energy. I suppose It's now or never.

Meanwhile, with Dan, Y/N, Mira, and Hydron. 

Hydron: At last we meet , Dan Kuso. And I see you again, Y/N Kuso, or do you prefer Masquerade.

Y/N: Y/N, would be great. Ready, guys?

Dan and Mira: Yeah!

Suddenly they hear a platform rising as they Spectra appearing by their side.

Y/N: Spectra?

Spectra: I thought I'd help you take down, Zenoheld.

Dan: I thought you said you were done helping us.

Spectra: What can I say? you have a convincing brother. If the BT system is activated it would be bad for us.

Y/N: Well, I won't reject the help here.

Hydron: Well, this is quite a surprise.

???: Are you people here to battle or just stand around and talk?

They all look above and see Zenoheld. 

Mira: That's King Zenoheld.

Dan: That dude, he looks even meaner in person.

Spectra: You and I have a score to settle for what you did to Guss!

Zenoheld: Oh, yes, Guss. Your little lapdog. Don't worry, he was loyal to his Master Spectra to the end.

Spectra: Good help is hard to find and Guss won't easily be replaced!

Hydron: And so, the drama keeps on going.

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