Dishing Out Rewards

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The hoplites part ways, letting us into the council room just as the maid finishes pouring two glasses of wine. I smile at her and hand her a golden coin as she walks by. She clasps it to her chest, bows, and leaves the room.

"So, Marcellus, you are the only suitor with unknown origins. Would you tell me where you're from? By your name and toga, I have a pretty certain guess, but I'd like to be sure."

He nods, taking the glass of wine I've extended to him. "From the heart of Italy, your grace. I'm surprised such important information wasn't relayed."

     "Ah, I've heard Rome is beautiful. Perhaps I'll make it there someday. And please, drop the formalities." I snap my fingers and the hoplites file from the room one buy one. 

For quite some time, we simply stare at each other. Marcellus is quite handsome. A broad face and defined features. Those curious blue eyes hold my gaze, unwavering. He eventually breaks the silence by leaning back into his seat, crossing his legs at the knees and saying, "I am truly  honored to be under your consideration, but I'm also well aware you would like to rule alone. A decision I happen to fully support. It is well known by now that a strong woman doesn't need a man to rule beside her."

I nod, swirling the wine in my glass. "I've never wanted to marry, and especially not to rule, and if that means the inability to rule, then so be it. If it weren't for the rule that the throne changes when the queen's first heir turns 21, then my mother could still rule until she decided to retire to queen mother. And since I'm technically the only heir, the responsibility falls to me anyways."

     "Why are you so against ruling? Isn't that a heiress's duty?" Marcellus sips from his glass, watching me intently. I sit up and set my glass on the table. "You know, honestly I don't entirely know why I don't want to get married, because you're exactly right. It is my duty...but it is my obligation? Also, If I'm to rule, I want to do it for a lifetime. The same with marriage. I want to be able to commit to one thing for the rest of my life. Not get it halfway started and then give up when the lineage changes."

Marcellus smiles, setting his glass down as well. "Those are all legitimate reasons, but may I ask... Are you afraid?"

     "Afraid of what?"

     "Failure? The overwhelming sense that comes with realizing that an entire country is now dependent on your generosity and compassion? The thought that reality will be very different from the way you imagined things."

I look down at my lap, sincerely thinking about my response.

     "You know... part of me is. Part of me is terrified that I'm being given so much power so young. I do like to be in control. Control plus power often equals tyranny, and that's not the legacy I want to leave behind."

He nods. "Please, continue."

     "I'm also worried about war, and famine, and what about poisons? I hear they bring awfully slow and painful deaths. I'm worried about treaties, and obligations. It's all too much."

     "Poisons are typically reserved for those who operate in secrecy and maliciousness. I don't take you as the type, Integra." Marcellus reaches for his glass, pauses, and instead puts his hand over mine. "Listen. You need someone you can depend on. Someone who shares your interests for your country and your people. You need someone with a strong military and the funds to provide when times are tough."

I sigh and sit back, allowing my hand to rest under his. "I know. And you're right." Scooting my chair back, I draw my hand away and stand, smoothing my chiton. "If you'll excuse me, I'd like to go speak to my mother."

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