Secret Insight

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Sighing, I stand and take my time organizing all of the supplies I had used for drafting the letters. I don't have any plans for the rest of the day so I suppose I need to seriously consider this marriage proposal. Yanking the door open, I step out of the room and wave over the closest hoplite. 

     "I have much to consider. Please alert the kitchen that I'll be dining in my room, and to leave the food outside the door. Unless there is an emergency, please do not interrupt me."

The hoplite nods, taking off down the hall. Once he turns out of sight, I spin around and push the cartography room door shut, taking off in the opposite direction. Once I am inside my room, I glance around at the mess. The tub is still in here from when I bathed, but it's not that serious. It can wait. Plopping down behind my desk, I curse when I accidentally bite my tongue and then cross my arms, laying my head on them, face down. 

No matter how I perceive the issue, Marcellus is the only clear choice. The only issue is, we don't particularly like each other very much. Sitting up, I begin rummaging around my desk for parchment and a quill - I have an idea. 

When I finally set up all my supplies, I start scratching words down quickly, crossing out any mistakes. When I'm finished, I jump up from my chair and make my way to the door. I have to wait a few seconds but eventually, a hoplite turns the corner and nods to me. Waving him closer, I command, "Summon Ajax to my quarters. Thank you. And send someone to remove the tub and gather the laundry. Tell them to return with a separate basin of hot water and a hair salve."

Stepping back into the room, I wait impatiently behind the door. Several minutes later, I hear gentle footsteps outside the door. Pulling it open, a startled looking Ajax eyes me suspiciously. Standing upright and smoothing his clothes, he asks, "You called for me?"

     "I did." Stepping back, I motion him into the room. "Sit down. Anywhere." I wait until he is seated and then begin, "When I was first contemplating who I would marry by force of my mother, I met one man from each nation. Some travelled many months to get here and unfortunately, many were turned away. All except two, and it came down to Marcellus in the end." I approach the desk and swipe up my rough draft of my letter. "I want you to re-write this and address it to the heir apparent of Macedonia, Prince Octavius."

     "Integra, do you really think it's wise to drag another person into this, let alone one nearly responsible for a whole nation?"

I cast him a side-long glance and he immediately apologizes. 

     "Do you really hate Marcellus that much? He is quite fond of you." He covers his mouth, as if he wasn't supposed to say that part out loud. 

     "Is that so?" I question, resuming my spot behind the desk. "Perhaps you are correct about dragging another nation into this debacle but it never hurts to have options." I pause, debating on sharing this sensitive information. "You know, the moment Marcellus and I made eye contact the night of the mass introduction, he smiled at me and it awakened a feeling that I had never experienced before."

     "Oh?" Ajax asks, turning to better face me. 

I nod, swirling my finger in the pile of setting powder on my desk. "I get the same sort of feeling when I look at you." I glance up at him, relieved when a gentle smile crosses his face.

     "What type of feeling?" He questions. 

     "Hm..." I think, trying to find the best way to describe it. "Like...a fluttering."

He furrows his brow.

     "Like butterflies are trapped in my stomach, or a hundred angry bees. I'm not quite sure. But I've noticed that around Achilles, I feel complete and utter peace."

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