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Staring down at the flaked herbs swirling in the water, I jump when my chamber door swings open. Glancing over, I lock eyes with Achilles, who averts his gaze from my naked body. 

     "What do you want-" I grumble, wrapping my arms around myself. 

Pushing the door open, he turns around, standing in the threshold. His body takes up most of the doorframe, so I'm not worried about those passing by seeing anything they shouldn't.

Looking back over his shoulder, he says, "I just came to make sure you're okay." 

     "Sweet boy." Olea says, more to herself than anyone, as she dumps a salve into the water.

     "I'm fine." I mutter, lifting one foot into the rub. "Thank you."

Achilles waits until I'm fully submerged in the milky water (thanks to the salve Olea had put in) before turning around, closing the door and approaching the tub. 

     "Thank me?" He questions, reaching down to press the back of his hand to my forehead. I turn my head away at his touch, avoiding the concerned gazes of him and Olea. 

     "For saving me." I say, laying my head back against the tubs edge. "I don't say it often enough so... thank you." I glance up at him and then close my eyes. 

     "You're welcome, princess."

I expected him to leave the room, but at no sign of the door opening and then closing, I open my eyes, surprised to find him still peering down at me, a worried expression on his face. 

Sighing, I sit up and say, "Grab the stool from the window. Olea, leave us please." She nods, wiping her hands on her smock before disappearing from the room. 

Achilles sets the stool diagonal from the tub. Gripping the tub with both hands, he turns it so that it's horizontal, facing him. I avoid his gaze for the longest time, even after he brings the stool right up to the edge of the tub and sits down. 

     "Forget my position. Please tell me what troubles you. I know this can't be easy."

Swirling my fingers in the water, I think for just a second and then say, "Trying to forge my own future apart from the destiny I was born into was a mistake and now it's too late to go back."

     "This is probably an ill-founded question, but have you considered conceding and surrendering the throne?"

I nod. "I have. But I think my mother would be deranged enough to continue trying to have me killed. I'd be on edge all the time over her fear of me continuing to retaliate."

     "She has been in prison for some time now. Have you decided on what you're going to do with her?"

     "She's getting excommunicated and I'm being gracious enough put the vacation house title fully in her name. I never liked the house much anyways and it's far enough that we won't cross paths again."

     "That's certainly more grace than I would have shown." Achilles admits.


He nods. "I would have accused her of treason and had her fall on a sword."

     "Well," I let out a gentle laugh, "If only it were so easy to bypass the magistrates and a fair trial."

     "Hm." He says, nodding. "Forgot about those guys."

     "Yeah." I say, sitting up in the tub. Pulling my knees to my chest, I add, "It's quite sad that, because of my incompetence, I turned the only person I had against me."

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