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     "Your father?!" I exclaim, coming around the bed to take a closer to look at the note in his hand. "What does it say?" I question, looking up at him. 

Flipping the note to the back, presumably to check for extra text, he flips it over again and folds the segments, temporarily joining the broken pieces of the seal together. "This one mentions sending me in place of my brother, Marcus Antonius." He clenches his jaw. "How my father believes I would have been easier for your mother to manipulate and bend to her will than my brother, who, much like yourself, has already settled on not marrying and taking over the army once my father passes." Raising his right hand, he shows me that the ring he wears matches the seal on the letter.

Placing my hand on his left arm, I solemnly ask, "You don't think something similar has happened to your father?"

     "Poisoning? No. Well, actually, I'm not sure. As he fell ill, mother did demand a food tester but up until I left, none of them had passed."

A quick smile passed my face. "Marcellus, it is possible to poison more than just food. Clothes. Books. Anything the Emperor touches regularly can have poison spread to it."

Holding eye contact with me for a moment, when he speaks, he says, "If you'll excuse me. I'll be back soon. I have to write a letter."

Nodding, mostly to myself, I turn back to the bed and look at all the letters. Gathering them into one pile, I cross the room, closing the door on the way. I rapidly wiggle one rock after another around the perimeter of the cold fireplace. None of them pull away from the base. Turning back to face the room and observe the mess I've made, a wicked smile finds its way to my face. Exiting into the hall, I call the nearest hoplite and tell them to find someone to clean the room, as well as to prepare an escort. I need to visit the apothecary. 

Rushing the letters next door to my room, I conceal them in the fireplace with the rest of my things. Catching my reflection in the polished bronze hanging above the dresser, I smooth my hair before winding through the palace halls and finding my way outside the main doors. Not too much longer, none other than the hoplite captain himself pulls up on a chariot. 

     "You requested an escort?" He asks, pulling the horse to a stop. 

     "I did." Under my breath, I add, 'and of all people...'. 

     "I need to visit the apothecary and visit the house you found me in. I left something of incredible value behind."

A smug look crosses his face. Reaching into one of the compartments on the inside of the chariot, he holds up a circular object. "It couldn't be this, could it?" 

They had found the excommunication seal and didn't bother to tell me! Reaching to grab it, he yanks it away. "You ransacked the pack on my horse during your little escapade and my seal came up missing. We can exchange fairly, or this will be mine forever." He tosses it into the air above his hand and catches it, dropping it back into the compartment. 

Trying to control my frustration, I say, "Bold of you to assume I took it. Perhaps it fell out in the forest while you were chasing me."

     "I've had my men combing the forest for days. It would have turned up by now. The only other explanation is that you took it."

     "Perhaps. Perhaps not." I goad, turning to stroll towards the portcullis. "I suppose you'll never know. A royal never tells their secrets." Behind me, I hear an annoyed groan. The horse appears beside me and pulls ahead, leaving the hoplite captain even with me. 

     "You can't keep it forever." He says, keeping pace with me. The horse lets out a whinny, bobbing his head.

Flashing him a daring look, I smile and ask, "Says who?"

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