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After leaving the library, I quickly come to realize that my next course of action has to be releasing my mother, whether I want to or not. Perhaps, if she would agree to ascend back to the throne as some sort of 'punishment' for the way I had been acting lately, thus making me wait longer to do the coronation, then people would be focused on her and I could go back to perfecting my own plans. 

It takes me a minute, but I also come to realize that I am walking alone. Turning back, across the courtyard, I see Ajax standing near one of the pillars that supports the pergola. He seems to be wringing his hands anxiously. 

When we make eye contact, he begins walking towards me, however begrudgingly it may be.

     "Is something wrong?" I inquire. He speaks so quietly, I can barely even hear him. "Louder please," I say, reaching to lift his chin until his gaze meets mine. "Stop mumbling and speak plainly."

     "You said you'd end me." He whispers, trepidatiously. 

I huff. "I also said, "IF". Wagging my finger at him, I hastily add, "If you're loyal, you have nothing to worry about." I pat his cheek, turning away. "If you're going help, then let's go."

Still, he will not join me. 

Quietly, he mumbles, "You're just like your mother. Thinking you can threaten people into compliance. You don't win people over by threatening to kill them otherwise. People ruled in fear will revolt faster than you realize."

Comparing me to my mother is not something I would have advised him to do right now. "How dare-" I start. But he's right. I am being just like her. At least in this instance, which is really all the poor lad has to go on. I sigh, conceding. "Ajax, you're right and I am sorry. I truly have no intention of hurting you. Right now, I simply don't know who I can trust."

     "And you're going to continue to not know who you can trust if this is the way you plan to operate." A haughty look must have passed over my face, for then he hastily adds, "If I may speak so boldly."

     "How so?" I question, crossing my arms. 

     "You'll drive people to hate you and they'll support you to your face while plotting to sabotage you behind your back. And don't think this time will be different because you're the only heir. Your uncle could rule in your place. If your mother was still here and something happens to you, he would liberate her without a moment's notice and restore her to the throne. Do you seriously think he would be more loyal to his niece than to his sister who bestowed the militia into his control?"

He is partially talking about me. To me. My plan exactly against my mother. Obedient to her face while planning a coup behind her back.  I don't know if he'll gossip but right now, he's all I have. 

Foregoing an answer, I grab his arm and drag him along behind me. 

Shoving the door to my room open, I pull him inside. 

     "Listen. My plan is- or I guess you could say a rough outline is- to surrender the throne back to my mother temporarily. Hopefully, she'll take it, even if just to spite me. From there, we can make plans and arrangements."

     "Integra, did you not hear what I just said to you when we were outside? This isn't the way to proceed! I don't understand you. First, you don't want to rule because you don't want to marry. Then, you run away."

     "Oh, you heard about that?" I mumble, a halfhearted chuckle escaping me.

Ignoring me, Ajax continues, "And then, you want to rule, or seem like you do, but still refuse to marry. You want the throne but not the legality that proceeds it? You make no sense and if you're going to manipulate your mother, you're going to do it alone!" He turns to leave, yanks the door open and then pauses, adding. "Sit down and genuinely figure out what you want. If you reach a conclusion that doesn't involve tactical manipulation and deceit, come find me in the morning." Then, the door slams behind him and he is gone. 

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