New Allies

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A day full of people bustling all around the palace would be seen as normal but today, you could feel the thick tension in the air. No royal offspring had ever incarcerated their parent before, and definitely none had ruled without being sworn in. I was standing near the dias, talking to a royal advisor when I sense someone approach me from behind.  

I finish my sentence to the advisor and send him away, turning to the person behind me. "Who are you?" Looking to the guard who escorted him in, I wave him away, turning back to the uninvite guest.

     "M-my name is Ajax, and I've been sent on behalf of your mother."

 "Well then, Ajax, strange name. Sounds like something you'd clean with. What does she want?"  My mother's personal advisor only bothered me when my mother couldn't do it herself. But this one wasn't the old brute she usually sent. He must have kicked the bucket. This one was a cute young man, wirth striking pale, green eyes full of ambition that she'd not beaten out of him yet.

     "The Empr-" He paused, clearing his throat, "Your mother would like to request your presence. She feels as though she is ready to negotiate terms for her release."

Ascending to the throne, I take considerable time to answer. After carefully inspecting the tray of assorted figs sitting on a beautiful ivory pedestal next to me, all I say is, "No." Sitting back, I cross my legs at the knee, biting into the delectable fruit. 

     "But, your grace, it's been a week." He clasps his hands, coming nearer to me. "Surely you won't keep your mother locked up forever."

     "You underestimate me." I wave in the envoy standing near the main hall entrance, chatting with Lucas. Quickly reviewing his papers, I sign them and send him away. 

Ajax bends to his knees, his face only several inches from my feet. "I plead on behalf of your mother. Please hear her conditions."

He is so close to me, I can reach his head with my foot. So I do. Using the edge of my sandal, I tuck it under his chin, lifting his face to meet mine. "Ajax, I'm not dull. I know as soon as she's free, she'll rally every sect she can find behind her to take me down. As far as I'm aware, she has not sent any letters out against my will, but I'll not have her conspiring against me. She got what she wanted, right? Am I not on the throne?" I raise my arm, gesturing to the room around me. 

He sits back on his heels, a look between being mystified and terrified crossing his face. He is young to be a personal advisor. About twenty five, tall and thin, with a head of curly brown hair. "Lady Integra, please." His voice is small, unsteady. "She threatened my life if I come back without you."

It was my turn to be stunned. Certainly my mother didn't think I'd just let her out, right? She would go back to ruling and I, her subordinate, but things would never be the same. And, apparently she thinks she still has some authority behind bars? Interesting. But, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to at least hear her out. No decisions have to be reached right away.

     "Alright, come on." I sigh, uncross my legs, pushing myself off the throne. "I'll hear her speak and nothing more, as of right now."

Ajax smiles, tears of relief brimming his eyes. "Thank you, domina."

Donning a quick smile, I call out to Lucas and tell him where we're going. Before we leave, I have Ajax searched for weapons. It'd not surprise me if my mom had commissioned him to try and kill me in the hall. Leading him down the hall to the left of the throne room, we start the long descent to the dungeons.

     "Did my mother offer you money for this task?" I ask, slowing so Ajax can catch up to me. 

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