Anthony's POV
It's been two days. Two Days! Since I've seen or talked to Zoe. And I think I'm going a little crazy. . . Is that normal? Geez, is this how girls act when they have crush on someone? 'Cause if it is, this is a terrible feeling, being all anxious and jumpy, and... nervous? I don't even know why. But most of all, I'm worried. I'm worried about how Zoe is doing. I keep on ask myself I wonder what Zoe is doing right now? But unfortunately, I can't answer that myself, now can I?
Now it's Friday, and I honestly wish I never heard what I hear. 'Cause apparently, that Andrew guy from the party who caught us kissing. He asked her out on a date Saturday. Now that alone pissed me off. I went to the principal's office for punching a wall. Now, imagine my surprise and anger when I also fought out that she said Yes.
So let's just make a long story short. I beat up one of the popular jocks and punched a teacher. They sent me home with a three day suspension. But that still didn't work out on my anger. . . I punched my brother, and screamed at my baby sister. And I never yell at Natalie, Ever.
Now getting to the point of where I am now. I'm just angrily punching my punchingbag. . . as I imagine its Andrew's face. Is that normal? Oh who gives a shit. I bet girls cry and eat ice cream just over their crush not even noticing them. Suddenly the music that was playing was turned off.
"Anthony man, what the hell? You've been down here for three hours."my brother, Max, exclaims.
I stop punching the bag, and turn to my big brother. "Has it really been that long?"I ask.
My brother nods, as he crosses his arms. "What's up with you? You been like this since you've came back."he comments.
I ignore him, and walk to the bench where my towel was and water. I opened the cap and chugged it down.
"Anthony?!"my brother shouts at me.
I put down the bottle, and wipe the sweat off my forehead. Then shrugged in respond. "Nothing you should worry about."
"The hell I should. Anthony, you yelled at Natalie."he says the last part softly.
I flinch at that, but other then that, I don't do anything. I stayed where I was, not moving, and showing no emotions on my face. I hear Max sigh, and I can just imagine him running a hand through his hair.
"Look, Anth-"
"I said I'm fine!" I shout at him, slamming my bottled water, making it splash everywhere. My body was shaking with fury. As I was sure my face was red with anger. I quickly switched back on the music. Throwing the towel on the bench. And started furiously punching the punchingbag.
~*~*~When I made it the Zoe's house there were no cars, so I assumed no one was here besides Zoe. I walked up to the door and knocked. Then waited as I leaned against the wall. The door opened for me to see Zoe. And once she stared up at me, she frowned.
"What are you doing here?" she asked.
I frowned aswell, and pushed past her into the house. And into the kitchen.
"Hey! You can't just come here in whenever you want to." she shouted at me.
I didn't respond as I leaned into the counter, gripping onto the edge.
"Hey! I'm talking to you!"she shouted. She start shouting random stuff that I wasn't listening to.
I then lost my control as I slammed my fist into the counter. "You said yes!" I shouted back at her, my voice full of anger. I didn't turn back around to look at her.
Then there was silence. And I'm sure there was pure shock written on Zoe's face.
"Wha- What are you talking about?" she finally asks.
I slammed my fist into the counter again, then spinned around to face her. Smiling humorless, and pointing at her. "Don't- Don't act like you don't know!!" I shouted at her. And clenched my hands closed, as it was probably shaking badly from anger. I wanted so badly to punch something right now.
She gazed at my hands, and they widened slighting. Then back at me. "A-Anthony,"she said cautiously. "Listen to me, I don't know what you're talking about."
I laughed humorless, turning back around, and repeatenly punched the counter. "How can you not know, when you're the one who said yes!" I yelled.
"Anthony!" she squeaked.
I spun around, facing her once again. Striking towards her in big steps. As she took steps back. When she finally hit the wall, I trapped her between my arms.
I moved my face towards hers, and I see her visibly flinch away. I was so close our noses were almost touching, my breath fanning her face.
Then I whispered to her. "Can you honestly say that you feel nothing for me." I say it so queitly, I almost didn't hear it myself.
I see her eyes widen yet again. "A-athony, wh-what are talking about?" she asks softly. She reaches her hand up to my face to touch my cheek.
But I flinch. "Don't.. touch me."I whisper to her, as I cast my eyes down, not able to look at her anymore. Her hand immediately pulls away.
"You... you said yes to him." I stated softly. "Andrew asked you out. . . A-and you said yes."I say.
"Anthony..."she trails off, as I feel her intense gaze on me.
I shake my head, and I step away from her. And I hear her breathe a sigh of relief. I run my hands through my hair, pulling it slightly. As I feel tears forming in my eyes, but I don't let them fall. Is this how girls feel when they get heartbroken? 'Cause if it is, I hate it. It just feels.... like.. like my heart just got ripped out of my chest.
Without saying anything, I put my hands back down beside me. And put on an emotionless face with my usual bright blue eyes, a cold hard stare. I look up at Zoe for one last time. Before I turned, walked out the door, slamming it behind me.

Completely and Utterly Broken
Teen Fiction(WARNING: When I started this book I was like 13 so sorry for it's probably cringingness and grammar mistakes and everything else. -And I am not fixing it, because I just want to move on to new books. But whoever reads please enjoy.) Zoe Lane She's...