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So it's been a week since meeting the family of the Wilson's, and since then, it's been good. We spent the weekend going out a few times, but mainly just being together, it felt weird, but I felt so relived to finally feel apart of something...of a family. Ashlynn left on Tuesday. Then Andrew's parents got called in again on Thursday, so they've been gone for that. And it's now Friday, and this week had gone fast.

There's been no news of Leon, which is relief. But I don't want to get into that. Life is finally starting to feel good, and I know it's not going to stay that way, but I just want to live in the moment right now.

Things with me and Andrew is still going of course, and stronger everyday. And each day, even if it's just been a week, has gotten a little more...heated...which I'm not going to really mention because it just makes me blush a red that is unknown. I had to sleep in the guess room since Wednesday, which I understand, but I don't like it. Andrew just makes me feel safe, and not having his arms around me at night just doesn't feel right.

I mentally groan with my thoughts. Literally almost 4 months ago I wanted nothing to do with anyone. I was in my own world of darkness. Which I know is not a good thing, but I don't understand how Andrew made me this happy, sappy cliche girl in all of 4 months. And I don't understand how I can feel this way about someone in just 4 months. I honestly can't really wrap it around my head.

But on to other notes, one thing that was really surprising for this week is Derek. My bully. Since four years. He came up to me yesterday, Thursday, when me and Andrew was waiting for Anthony. Which by the way...I don't know how to go into the subject of Anthony Pierce.

I haven't gotten to apologize to him. And besides this week for him, Andrew, and I working on our project, we haven't really talked. And around us, he's all business. He seems all distant from everyone, even though it doesn't really seem like he hangs out with anyone but...I don't know when but I know I need to talk with him.

But anyway, Derek. He came up to me, asking if he and I could talk.

...The day before, Thursday
  In the Afternoon...

I let out a laugh, slapping at Andrew's hands that were tickling my sides.

"Stop it! Andrew Stop!" I breath out, pushing at his chest.

"No!" he sorta yells, continuing to torture me when his fingers. Then suddenly his breath is near my ear, "Besides, I like to hear you laugh." he whispers, then he leans down, kissing behind my ear. I let out a shaky breath, my eyes flick to his, and our eyes meet, locking together.

I open my mouth to say some sarcastic comment or something but a voice interrupts the moment.

"Ok, not to bud in or interrupt a special moment or whatever...not that I really care but...anyway, I'm getting off track. Zoe, I need to speak to you." I hear Derek's voice say.

I feel myself, and Andrew, tense. Andrew snaps his head to look at Derek, and gives him a glare. My eyes stay locked on his face, unable to look at him. Andrew's fingers dig into my side in a tight grip but I don't feel it.

"I don't think so, Derek. You can leave now." Andrew says, it coming out in a hiss.

I hear Derek letting out sigh. "That line was directed to Zoe, thank you very much." he says in a calm voice.

I turn my head to look at him, and what I see is kinda shocks me. Not that ever really paid attention to Derek before but he looks terrible.

His hair looks grease, his jaw and cheeks covered in what is way over stubble, his clothes kinda hang off of him, it's not baggy or anything but he doesn't him properly like it probably use to, and plus they kinda look dirty, and he just stands there, lazily holding his things, looking exhausted.

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