I stare at the board of the classroom. Right now, no one is here. But people will come.
Then it will end, and I would have to go to my house. I sigh, and put my head on the desk. The bell rings, and the teacher comes in. He sees me, and sighs.
"Ms Lane, why do I always get you?"he asks.
I look at him. The usual detention teacher. Mr. Alex. He's also my English teacher. He's the only one that's nice to me. He's pretty young. People say he's twenty something.
I shrug, "I don't know. Why do people bully me? Why did my parents have to die? Why did I have to go to my uncle? Oh, that's right. Cause no one gives a damn about me."I say, and I put my head back down. And I hear him sigh again. I hear the squeak of his chair, then his footsteps near me.
"Zoe?"he says.
"Yes?"I say.
"Is what you said true?"he asks.
I consider this. Well, I mean, of course its true. Just whether or not to tell him. I look at him.
"Maybe, it depends." was what I replied.
He sighs again. "What does it depend on?"he asked.
I shrug,"I don't know."I say. And people start to come in. "You should get back to... your work."I say.
He doesn't say anything, but he goes back to his desk. He sits down, and stares at me. I don't do any, and set my head back down. I try to go to sleep before I go home. Where I won't get any.
When detention ends, I take my time to get home. I'm not worried, not like my uncle cares about me. He just uses me for his own pleasure. And when I don't listen he beats me. Which is often. And after that I go to my room, and try not to cry. I don't have anyone to help me. My house is twenty minutes away. And usually some guys come and beat me up. At which I'm on the watch for, so they won't see me.
A guy comes up to me."Hey, Zoe, right?"he asks.
I nod, and he gets too close. I flinch, and scoot away. He notices but doesn't do anything. "So, I'm having a party tonight. You want to come?"he asks.
I consider this. I never do anything. Nothing wrong with going to a party. I can use a drink. "Um sure."I say.
"Cool."he says. And he doesn't leave. Not that I really care.
"Hey, sweetcheeks!" someone yells. I turn around, and its the guy who beat me up hours ago.
"Boyfriend?" the guy ask beside me.
I look at him, then look down. I shake my head. "No." I answer.
The guy is in front of me, now. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me to him. He squeezes too hard, and I wince.
"Who are you?" he growls at the guy who invited me to his party.
"Um.. Just a friend."he says. "I'm Andrew." he introduces.
So, that's his name.
"Well, leave my girl alone." my bully says.
I look down at our feet. "I'm not your girl."I mutter.
And then I feel his gaze on me. Both of theirs. "What did you say?"he says. And his grip on my waist tightens. I wince again.
"Nothing."I mutter.
He nods his head. "Good." he turns to Andrew. "You can go." he says.
Andrew looks at him. Then at me. And he hesitates. "Umm..." he says.
"You can go now." my bully growls. And his grip on me tightens even more.
I whimper. "Let go of me!" I shout.
His hold gets worse. "Shut up!"he says. And he slaps me, in front of Andrew. "You worseless bitch!" he shouts. And kicks me in the stomach. And I let out a cry, trying to get on my knees, trying to crawl away. No longer caring that Andrew is even watching.
"Get back here you bitch!"the guy yells. But he never comes. I hear yelling. I stay on the ground. And I let the tears come out. And I close my eyes. Breathing heavily, I slip into darkness.

Completely and Utterly Broken
Teen Fiction(WARNING: When I started this book I was like 13 so sorry for it's probably cringingness and grammar mistakes and everything else. -And I am not fixing it, because I just want to move on to new books. But whoever reads please enjoy.) Zoe Lane She's...