The next few days were weirdly slow. After my breakdown, Andrew convinced me to stay with him. Though that took awhile, kinda...well, not really.
...The day after
Morning...My head was in hands, my eyes wide, looking at nothing in particular. Andrew was going on and on about how I should stay with him, and go to the police, get Leon behind bars, he doesn't deserve to be alive.
Not that I don't agree, but I haven't changed my mind. No breakdown has left me weak, I can't afford to be weak.
"Andrew, shut up!" I yell at him. He stops talking, looking at me shocked.
We were currently in his kitchen, I was sitting in a chair, the island between us as he cooked breakfast.
I let out a frustrated sigh, rubbing my temples.
"Andrew, I know how you feel, you made it pretty clearly. And trust me, I feel the same way. I hate him, Andrew." I feel tears spring to my eyes, and I wipe them away.
"I hate him so much. I hate with every fiber of being in my body."
I look at him, he has stopped cooking, putting the pans on the part of the stove that's not on, and leaning against the counter in front of him, facing, gripping onto it, his face twisted in pain.
I sigh again.
"I lived with this devil of a man for four years. Four years of abuse from him. And I learned how to deal. It is why I'm still here. I've been in hell, Andrew. You haven't even seen half of what he has done to me. But I am still here, living, breathing.
I have somehow survived. And I am not going to go to the police to turn him in, that will just mean that I would have to go some place with orphan, foster whatever. I am strong. And I am not staying here with you."
We stare at each other, not saying anything. His lips in a straight, irritated line. He turns and restarts making breakfast.
"Zoe." Andrew whispers in my ear, his hands softly rubbing my sides, and shaking me. "Babe, wake up." he says.
I groan into my pillow, "Noo, it's only Saturday."
Andrew chuckles, gently grabbing my shoulders, and turning me on my back, putting himself over me. He stares down at me, smiling softly, stroking the hair away from my face.
I glare at him lazily, still tired. He just chuckles, and kisses my nose.
"I know it's only Saturday, but I've got plans, we've got things to do." he says softly, nuzzling into my neck, kissing the skin softly.
I shiver, closing my eyes, becoming more awake by the feel of his warm lips. "Just let me go back to sleep." I whine, lieing now.
I feel his smirk against my skin, and he lightly nibbles on my neck. A small gasp escapes my lips, my eyes popping open to meet his, and heat floods to my cheeks.
His eyes dance in amusement, and adoration. His thumb strokes the skin where my shoulder meets my neck. "I know you're not tired anymore, Zoe. So, in a few minutes, we'll get up, and we'll-"
Andrew is suddenly cut off a slam of the door and someone yelling, "Andrew!" the girl in the doorway cuts herself off, her mouth open for what she was going to say next. Then just as quickly, a smirk forms on her plump, pink lips, leaning her hip against the door as she holds the handle.
Andrew and I are both looking at her, I'm sure he is just as surprised of her barging in as I am. My eyes staring wide eyed as her.
The girl, who looks relatively familiar, stands there with bright, yet light yellow pants with a silky white tank top with very thin straps, and blue flowers on it, along with wedges, the straps around her feet blue. Her natural looking blonde hair framing her face with curls. Her light hazel eyes popping.

Completely and Utterly Broken
Teen Fiction(WARNING: When I started this book I was like 13 so sorry for it's probably cringingness and grammar mistakes and everything else. -And I am not fixing it, because I just want to move on to new books. But whoever reads please enjoy.) Zoe Lane She's...