Almost two hours later...
9:34pmThe party was in full blast and it's only been less than an hour as we spent 20 minutes getting the house ready. People were dancing, more like grinding, and was crazy. In my opinion. No one was exactly drunk yet, but it was getting close. Beers were disappearing rapidly.
Andrew stayed with me for the first 30 minutes until he left I think to find Jacob. He already had 5 shots of alcohol, and was already tipsy before 10 people were here. I don't mind Andrew leaving though, we spent every second together over the week so I guess we should get some time apart.
I spent 15 minutes alone after Andrew left just watching everyone drinking and having fun. Besides the last time I went to a party, which was my first actually so...I don't know what to do. I mean, sure I could get drunk too, but I rather not. Besides, the smell of beer makes me nauseated. Then Andrew's friend Lucas from, of course the basketball team, came and since then we've been talking since.
Until I hear:
Shock sparks into me as I hear the voice. Lucas stops what he's saying and looks behind me.
"Oh, hey...Anthony, right?" he speaks to the guy behind me.
A slight pause, and I hear him say yea. Lucas nods, then there's a awkward silence. I shake my head out of my trance and turn to Anthony.
My eyes sweep over him quickly, then go back to his eyes. Then I feel my cheeks blush as I see him looking over me. I clear my throat.
"Um..hey, Anthony. Um...what are you doing here?" I ask, then I mentally slap myself. Well of course he's here Zoe, it's a party after all.
"What? Is it a crime to come to a party?" he says.
I wince. "Yea..right, yea, that's a stupid question." I mumble.
I hear Anthony chuckle. "I'm messing with you."
I look at him again, and his smile slips off his lips. He scratches his neck awkwardly.
"Um, I actually came here uhm...see you.."
I blink, and my mouth opens in surprise.
"" I ask slowly.
His mouth opens, but nothing comes out. His eyes cast down, and there's silence...well, at least between us.
He shakes his head, and looks back up at me. "You know what, nevermind, it...It doesn't matter. was...really nice...just...seeing you" he says, his eyes staring into my face, lingering.
He shakes his head, then scratches his neck. "Bye Zoe." he says, then turns to leave.
My mouth opens in surprise yet again as I watch him walk away. My mind finally caught up with what was happening and my feet moved before I figured out what I needed to do.
"Anthony! Anthony, wait!" I yelled to try get him to stop, for him to hear me over the loud music. He doesn't.
"Anthony, hey, Anthony!" I say, as I reach out and grab his arm and turning him around.
"Hey, hey, what the hel-" He starts to say frustratingly, then he cuts himself off when he sees me, his eyes widening slightly. "Oh, um, h-hi again...uh what are you doing?" He says.
""I trail off awkwardly when I realize where we are, and it's definitely not the place.
"Here, just huh...follow me." I whisper in his ear, grabbing his hand and start walking up the stairs to a room. I go to the door of Andrew's room and open the door and walking in and turning the lights on.

Completely and Utterly Broken
Fiksi Remaja(WARNING: When I started this book I was like 13 so sorry for it's probably cringingness and grammar mistakes and everything else. -And I am not fixing it, because I just want to move on to new books. But whoever reads please enjoy.) Zoe Lane She's...