Chapter Ten

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"Welcome to my humble home."Anthony says, as he opens the door to his room.

And I walk in, looking around. In front of me, there's a t.v on the wall to my right. With a small couch to sit on with a coffee table in front of it to my left. And a big black rug. Beyond that, is a ping-pong table and that one game like a mini soccer game, whatever it's called. I forgot what it's called, dang it. Then there's a door in the middle of where the TV and ping-pong table is. Which I assume is where the bed is. There's also a bookshelf, full of old cans, books, and picture frames. And posters on the wall of old movies, and paintings. And a big double doors all the way to the other side of the room.

"Uh, your room is awesome."I say, as I walk to the doors. I open them, and walk outside. "And you've picked the room with the balcony. Good choice."

I hear him laugh, then he's right beside me. "I know, it always best to pick the room with the balcony. Always the best part of the room. I love watching the sunrise."he says.

I look at him. Smiling, smugly."What about the sunset?"I ask.

He waves his hand. "I'm not really a night person. I get up early. Like around, four o'clock in the morning, sometimes earlier."he tells me.

I look away. "Oh. Well, I'm not really a morning person. Or night person, either. I can't sleep at night, most nights. I've seen a lot sunsets."I say.

And it's quiet for a while. As we stand there. The wind blowing my hair everywhere. I close my eyes, and sigh happily. Enjoying the calmness, not being beaten or hurt. Just having fun, and for once in my life. I don't feel small. Or weak.

I open my eyes, and turn to Anthony.  Grinning, I put my hand on my hips. "So, what are we going to do?"

He turns to me, smiling. "You ready? Cause once you do this, you can't go back." He says.

I roll my eyes. "Of course. Not like I can decide anything better."

"Ok then. Come on."he orders. And he walk back inside. I follow and go the the couch, jumping on it.

He goes to the door, and opens it. Going inside, as I assumed there's a bed. He comes after two minutes. And sits down beside me. He turns on the t.v. And puts on a movie I've never seen.

And he holds opens a bag. Full of weed, and small pieces of paper.

"So that's what we're doing?"I ask. Arching an eyebrow.

"Yep. Think you can handle it?"he ask, looking up at me.

"You, are a boring, stupid person. This is what you do, really?"I say.

"It's a lot better than you think."he says. And he goes back to wrapping it up.

I shake my head in disbelief. But yet, I'm smiling. "So what? Is this like a hobby? "I ask.

"No. I do it from time to time."he answers. He straights up, and takes out a lighter. Then lights it up, and inhales. Then blows it out. He turns to me, and hands it to me. "Your turn, princess."he tells me.

I take it, then put it to my lips. And sucking in. And it immediately affects me. I start to feel dizzy, and light headed. Then I blow/cough it out.  Anthony laughs.

"Don't worry you get use to it."he tells me. Patting my back while I cough.

I take another drag, and another, and another. Then another, and another. Then too many. I've finished the first one by myself. And he made another. After the fourth drag I had. I was gone. I keep on laughing. And dancing, cause I turned the t.v. to a music channel.

Anthony didn't do anything, but smoke. He just sat there, watching me. But than, after he finished the second one he made. He didn't even care, he started dancing with me. And we played ping-pong, and the mini soccer game. I sucked at each of them. He brought out monopoly, for some reason.

And right now, that's what we're doing. and we're still high, so high. I swear, I'm up in the clouds.

"No, you idiot! It's my turn!"I yell at him.

He looks at the game board, then at me. He looks annoyed. "Well fuck this!"he yells. He flips over the board, and pieces went flying.

"Hey, you asshole! I was going to win!"I complained. I lay down beside him, then glare up at him.

He takes the third roll up he made and takes a drag. Then blows it in my face. And I inhale. He bends down to me. His nose almost touching mine. And he smirks. "No you weren't."he remarks.

I stick out my tongue. And glare. But his face was bury. I went out and touched, no, poked his eyeball.

His hand went out to his eyes. Making a 'slack' sound. "Jesus, Zoe!"he yells.

I giggle, then shrug. "Oops."I reply. I reach out again. But this time, I touch his nose. I slowly trail it to his eyebrows. He doesn't move. He just looks at me. His eyes all watery and red. The room is filled with music. And you can slightly hear our breathing. I move my finger to his cheeks, softly stroking them. Then I go to his chin. Gently cupping it in my hand. And I giggle again. He rolls his eyes. Then bends down closer to me, laying down above me. But there's still lots of space between us. He holds his weight  with his arms. Then finally, I go to his lips. I stroke the bottom lip with my thumb. Then the same with his top. And suddenly, he seems closer. I move my hand. I spread it through his hair.

I giggle again. And take both my hands, and run it through his hair. "Your hair is soft."I comment.

He stops me, taking both of my hands with one. And pulls them down beside me. He stares down at me, irritated. Then he sets his big hand. And strokes my right cheek. Holding onto my neck at the same time. And when he leans down, and we were about to kiss. We burst out laughing. And his head falls on my neck. While we laugh, his laughs vibrations through me.

I push him off of me. Sitting up, I take my head in my hand. And I still feel high. I get up, going to his bed and I jump on it. I close my eyes. and right when I was about to fall asleep. I feel the bed dip. And his arms wrap around my waist. He pulls me toward him. And rests his chin on my shoulder.

And the last thing I hear was:

I'll wake you up at sunrise.

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