Chapter 9 - A Familiar Song

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This Chapter's Music

Tonight would be Mereth Nuin Giliath: The Feast of Starlight.

It was a precious tradition amongst the Woodland elves to celebrate the full moon, and as it would be my first time sharing it with them, I wished to look the part.

I had a brought, but had not yet worn, several fine gowns from Lorien. Upon entering the Woodland realm, it was obvious to me that the majority of its elves donned clothing set for travel in the woods and fighting. I felt I would be terribly out of place wearing finery amongst them, and so I had always chosen my plainest of dress, or even a tunic and leather leg coverings, as Tauriel would wear. But for this night, many of the Elves would wear a finer garb, and so I thought it respectful to do the same.

Tauriel was visiting me in my chamber, looking at my fine gowns, which I took out of my carrying basket, one at a time.

"I think you would look very beautiful in this green," I told her. "Wear it."

"Oh, no! It is too much for me. I would wear my normal things."

"Well, I would not want you to be uncomfortable. But, it could be great fun to surprise Feren when you join the feast wearing this. I could do your hair..."

She looked down in the sweet, shy fashion that somehow befit the Captain of the Guard. "Well...maybe it might be enjoyable."

I grinned, siezing the chance. "Wonderful."

And so I helped her with her dress, and her long hair I unbranded and let fall loose all about her.

"Perhaps I shall pin a little of it away from your face," I said, twisting some at the sides and securing it there. "Yes. That is lovely, indeed. You are magnificent. Oh! Here..."

I dug through my things for a necklace with an emerald stone, then I strung it upon her neck. "Ooh, you are a sight. Feren will not be able to stand upright when he sees you," I teased, and she blushed.

"Thank you, My Lady. Truly... for everything. Everything you have done for me, for our kingdom. For our king. You have changed things for the better by your being here. It is lighter and there is more hope. Even the king's moods seem improved."

"Well. I have become quite attached to this realm, Tauriel. Indeed it feels like it is truly my home. And I have grown to care so much for all of you. You are some of the bravest and strongest elves I have ever known. I am proud to call myself a citizen of the Woodland Realm."

"And we are proud to have you. Especially me, for, if I may be so bold, My Lady, I feel I have a sister in you...and I have always wanted a sister."

"You do," I said, cupping her face. "And now...sister of Mirkwood, I shall ready myself. Would you help me?"

"Yes, of course."

Being that it was a festival of the moon, I thought perhaps a white dress would be nice. I chose one with silver braiding beneath the bodice and at the waist. The sleeves opened loosely and flowed about my arms.

My hair, which fell to the base of my back, was only a few shades darker than the white of the dress. There needed to be something that stood out, and so I placed about my head some sapphire flowers, and chose a silver necklace of the same stone. They matched my eyes nicely.

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