Chapter 15 - Reacquainted

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Music for This Chapter

"We cannot say how much longer it shall be safe in the hobbit's keeping. We must keep the creature contained," spoke Aragorn. "If Sauron's spies have followed us, which I am certain they have, then they realize he would lead them right to it. The Gollum has already as good as told them where to look."

"Then what point is there in keeping him here?" asked Thranduil.

"Bad enough hiding it from the wraiths
... must the hobbit then deal with this creature as well?"

Thranduil said nothing, only contemplated Aragorn's warnings.

The Ranger had been with us a week's time,  and needed every moment of it to recover from his journey here.

We sat in the courtyard and enjoyed a meal together, though Aragorn did not drink much wine, I noticed,  and preferred plain water. I supposed this came with a Ranger's instinct to keep his wits sharp always.

"Have the mortals the defenses to fight Sauron if it comes to this?" I asked.

Aragorn looked on gravely. "My Lady, I fear they do not. And so I pray it does not."

"Indeed," said T by Thranduil.

"And what would..."
I trailed off when I saw Feren approaching us in rather a rush. 

"My Lord, the Prince arrives," he said. "I... thought I should tell you at once because..."

"Legolas," I barely spoke.

The king stood up, and so did I, and no sooner had we done so when an elf emerged from the dimness of the Western passage and into the sun of the courtyard.

He was most handsome--a beautiful elf, golden haired and blue eyed, as his father. And he paused only a moment before coming to us.

"Father," he said, nodding and gesturing in Elven greeting. "Aragorn..."

"Mae govannen, Legolas," Aragorn said. At first it took me off guard to hear the Ranger call a prince by his name, but I gathered, from the warm smile shared between them, that their friendship was a familiar one. 

"And...are you our Lorien Healer?" The prince addressed me. "I had heard of your coming, My Lady," he said, smiling kindly.

"I'm..." I swallowed, lost for words and overcome by emotion. Every impulse wanted me to throw my arms about him and hold him tightly. But of course I could not. Not yet. This would be very odd for him indeed. So instead, I said, "I am. And I am so, so very pleased to see you."

At this, Thranduil took my hand. "Aragorn...I wonder if Laewyn and I might have a word with my son."

Aragorn nodded. "Of course, My Lord," he said, then left us at once.

The king's hand in mine did not escape his son's notice.

I felt at once nervous and self conscious, and went to withdraw my hand from his, but Thranduil held it firm and deliberately. 

"Legolas. Sit...please," he said.

The prince pulled out a chair, a questioning look upon his face, and sat as his father had asked.

Then Thranduil gestured for me to do the same, and we both took a seat with the prince.

"Legolas, there have been some changes at the palace since last you were here," Thranduil said. "For one, yes, we have a Healer. Lady Leowyn came to teach us how to use this gift and has done so miraculously well. But... there was more fated for her return than this."

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